XXXIV : SĀRĀVALĪ PRAKĪRNAKA miserable worldly existence and make it reach the shore of liberty.'" Again, in the Visesăvasyaka Bhasya not only the importance of the vilitional pilgrimage over that of the physical (conventional) pilrimage has been established, but the very concept of attainment of spiritual emancipation by bathing in, taking a plunge in and drinking the waters of holy rivers etc. has been demolished. The commentator says, “If the waters of the holy rivers such as the Ganges etc. are taken as pilgrimage by virtue of their beneficial qualities of giving coolth to and cleansing the bodies of the pilgrims, then other substances such as eatables, drinks and other cleaning materials, etc. which are also beneficial for the body ought also to be accepted as pilgrimages, but nobody accepts them as such.” 17 Actually, the real pilgrimage is the one that cleanses our soul of the karma-dirt and helps it ford across the ocean of mundaneness. This spiritual interpretation of pilgrimage, found in the Jaina tradition, is available in the Vedic tradition as well. Therein it has been said, “Truth is a pilgrimage, forgiveness and restraining of the sensual organs is also a pilgrimage, compassion towards all the living beings, the simplicity of thinking, charity, contentment, adherence to righteousness, politeness of speech, knowledge, patience and acts of piety are all holy pilgrimages."918
16 Dehāitārayam jam bajjhamalāvanayanāimettani ca
Negantānaccamtiyaphalam ca to davvatittham tam || Iha tāraṇāiphalayanti phāna-pānasavagāhanaīhim | Bhavatārayanti kes tam no jīvo vaghāyāo ||
- Visesăvaśyaka Bhāsya, 1028–1029. 17 Dehovagāri vā tena titthamiha dāhanāsanāīhim |
Mahu--majja-mamsa-vessādao vi to titthamānannam || -Ibid, 1031. 18 Satyam tīrtham ksamā tīrtham tīrthamindriyanigrahah |
Sarvabhūtadayātīrtham sarvatrarjavameva ca il Dānatīrtham damastirthani santosastīrthaniucyate | Brahmacarya parani tirthani tirtham ca privavādita | Turthânấmapi tattirthai visuddhinhanhsah Pali ||
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