Book Title: Sanskrit Fragments Of Jnendrabuddhis Visalamalavati
Author(s): Ernst Steinkellner
Publisher: Ernst Steinkellner

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Page 7
________________ 102 A Corpus of Indian Studies narabdhavyam (idam] pramănasiddher nyāyamukhādi...': eva sadhitatvattyat sadhitan tad..., yathā siddha odanah (iti),..." vyāpakavirodham......... ahasvamatād viprasstād itit. hetau pañcami. <viststah prakirno viprakirna ity arthaḥ>*7. NOTES 2. This 1. Ed. by P. Peterson, Calcutta 1889, from manuscripts in Jaina, collec tions and transmitted in India due to the interest of the Jaina epistemologists in the kindred tradition of the Buddhists. This state of things remained basically unchanged until Th. Stcherbatsky published a systematic account of the school's theories together with a translation of Dharmottara's commentary in the two volumes of his "Buddhist Logic", Leningrad 1930-32. Reports and manuscript-lists are to be found in: Sanskrit Palm-Leaf MSS. in Tibet (JBORS 21, 1935, pp. 21-43), Appendix F of his edition of the Vadanyāyaḥ (JBORS 22, 1936, Pt. 1, pp. XIV-XIX), Second Search of Sanskrit Palm-Leaf MSS. in Tibet (JBORS 23, 1937, pp. 157). Scarch for Sanskrit MSS. in Tibet (JBORS 24, 1938, pp. 137-163). The works of our school are collected in the Tshad ma-section of the Tanjur and add up to twenty volumes of the Peking edition (Nrs. 5700-5766 in Vols. 130-139 of the Japanese reprint). S. They may have the quality of pioneers' works as H. R. Rangaswamy Iyengar's "reconstruction" into Sanskrit of the first chapter of Digniga's Pramanasamuccaya with selections from the Vrtti and the Tikå (Mysore 1930), or they may be superficially executed as Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya's "reconstruction" of Vinitadeva's Nyāyabindutikā (Calcutta 1971), which in addition is translated into English, thus offering a translation of a translation of a translation. They may also be made carefully, with critical consciousness and approach and with the peculiar empathy of the traditional pandit, as the ones by the Jaina Muni Jambuvijayaji, who seems to be one of the few to use the correct term "translation" (anuvāda) for what he does and has translated into Sanskrit parts of Dignåga's Pramanasamuccaya with Vrtti and Tikä (cf. Vaiseşikasutra of Kanada with the Commentary of Candrananda. Baroda 1961, Appendix VII, pp. 169-219; Dvādaśāram Nayacakram. Part 1. Bhavnagar 1966, Appendix, pp. 95-140 ; Part II, 1976, in various footnotes). 6. Ed. in the Appendix to JBORS 24(1938), 25(1939), 26(1940). Cf. Rāhulaji's preface p. I; E. Frauwallner has studied these notes and shown that many have been taken from Devendrabuddhi's comnientary on the Pramānavārttika in his article : Devendrabuddhi (WZKS 4, 1960, pp. 119-123).


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