Book Title: Sanatan Jain
Author(s): Unknown
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 4
________________ THE JAIN VIEW OF I'NIVERSE. pain as & reward of or punishment The former means that fine element for its good or bad actions respective which helps jiva and pudgal in ly. This is the ordinary way of moving. It does not force them to speaking. Though we may also say move. But when they move by themeven apart from Pudgal that it is selves, it becomes the medium of the subject of pleasure or pain for their motion. As water helps & fish its feelings and passion, yet rightly to swim or air helps a bird to fly or speaking it is an enjoyer of perfect sound to travel, in the same way faith and knowledge. Seventh : it is Dharma Dravya helps jiva and Pudgal worldly. Practically it is sɔ in so to move. Without this they cannot far as it is said to belong to Heaven move. To continue the illustration or Hell, to the vegetable or the ani- further as water and air do not vrge mal kingdom, or to be a possessor of the fish and the bird or sound to one sense or of more than one. In move, in like manner thi move, in like manner this dravya the real though stretched sense it is does not urge the other two to move. so with respect to the different stages The latter, i.C., Adharma Dravya means that element which helps of its development as when we speak Jiva and Pudga to stop motion. To of its possessing Darshan in the first, take an example it is like the shade second, third or the fourth degree, of a tree which attracts & traveller or Gyan in any of its five degrees. walking in the sun to stop there. In As a matter of fact it is all perfect this onse too the work ends with and independent. Eighth : it is Si giving help merely, for the shade dhhda, i.e., after liberating itself does not force the traveller to stop. from the trammels of the Sansar Space and time are popular terms (cycle of birth and re-birth) it gets and do not require much explanation. salvation and rests in perfect Peace, Space is that which gives room to Calinness and Beatitude. Ninth: it other dravyas. So far as the other always moves upwards. Though com five Dravyas extend, it is Lokakash, monly it is said to move in all die beyond that it is Alokakash, i.e., where rections, yet that is in company with there is only space and nothing else. Pudgal. Otherwise by itself it moves Time is the duration of a thing beonly upwards. As a piece of cork coming old from new or of Jiva or pudcovered with mud comes up to the gal moving from one place to another. surface of water when mud is wash This definitio i of Kal (time) is accorted away ding to the superficial rendering, its The Subject of Pudgal we inay inner meaning being that which regusafely dispose of by simply saying that lates the existence of all the other it means matter and has form. Dravyas. Dharan and Adhar.23 we mar taka To take a comparative view of all tngothar, as they ac cognat? anh ects. the Dravyas. They are all enternal. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat


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