Book Title: Sadyavatsa Kathanakam
Author(s): Pritam Singhvi
Publisher: Parshwa International Shaikshanik aur Shodhnishth Pratishthan
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हर्षवर्धन-गणि-कृतं सदयवत्स-कथानकम्
The author of the tippaņa on this verse in the Sudarsanacariya, faced with wrong readings, has offered fanciful interpretations. He reads gomakalā for gotramkali in the second line and explains it as rājyabhrastāh. The third line is construed with the second line and so, dedākodiya is explained in Gujarati as dhedhavādā ni kodi havi!
Bharate : "In the Mahābhārata there was the climax of (quarreling), characteristic of a settlement of untouchables (dheŅha)". The gloss on suddhae is also confused : vacchasudaye śastre. It should be suddaya-vacche and it was not a śästra. Jain, the editor of the Sudarsana-cariu, wrongly thought that the name of the work was Suddhaya. Paramanand Jain Shastri too failed to make out the name and has vaguely rendered suddaya as lokaśāstra'.
In the verse cited above, Nayanandin points out that the life of Sudarśana is free from the blemishes that mark the three very famous and popular narratives and hence that it is superior to all of them.
5. In the Sayala-vihi-vihāņa-kavva, another Apabhramśa poem by Nayanandin, we get another important reference to the story of Sadravatsa. In the opening portion of the poem, while describing the circumstances under which the poet was urged to undertake its writing, he incidentally touches upon the historical glory of Dhārā where the poet carried out his literary activity. He mentions great kings of yore who ruled over Dhārā :
jahim Vaccharău puņu Puhaivatthu, huntau puhaisaru Sadavatthu, hoeppiņu Vatthae (?) Harimadeu (?)
maņdaliu Vikramăiccu jāu. Here, puhaivatthu, südavatthu, vatthae, and harimadeu are respectively to be corrected as puhaivacchu, suddavacchu, pacchae and harisadeu. The kings mentioned are Vatsarāja, Pșthvivatsa, Sadravatsa, Harsadeva and Vikramāditya.