Book Title: Risht Samucchaya
Author(s): Durgadevacharya, A S Gopani
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
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INDEX N. B. Numerals in deep black indicate the numbers of the
pages of the Introduction, and those in ordinary types following the numerals in deep black indicate the numbers of the lines. T denotes English Translation; N, Notes
and fn, footnote. Abhayadova, 42, 1
: Ambă, 182 (T) ABHYANKER, 12 (N)
Amulets, p. 70, 1 (N) Accident, 56, 20
Anabasis, 66, 3 (fn) ADAMS, 67, 1 (fu)
Anagnia, 63, 7 Adbhuta Brahmana, p. 69, 1 (N) Anaptyxis, 22, 29; 24, 29 Addictions, 15, 10
Anekānta, 12, 25, 28; 16 (N) devoid of, 6 (T)
Animals, crying of, 57, 18 objects of, 5 (T)
Annals, 61, 35; 63, 2 (in) concubinage, 5 (T)
Ant-heap, 71, 12 gambling, 5 (T)
Anti-christ, 60, 1 (fn); 63, 32; 63, honey, 5 (T)
4 (fn) hunting, 5 (T)
Aņuogadāra, p. 71, 1 (N) meat, Š (T)
Apabhramśa, 3, 11, 14; 14, 9, 18; 37 prostitute, 5 (T)
(N); 70 (N); 88 (N); 106 (N); 116 stealing, 5 (T)
(N); 127 (N); 130 (N); 182 (N); wine, 5 (T)
195 (N) Afrioa, western part of, 64, 30
Āpastamba S'rautasütra, 71, 1 (fn) AILAKA, 10, 3 (fn)
Appearance, terrific, 71, 3 Air, 66, 22
Arahaņāpatākā, 15 (T) duration of, 230 (T)
Arhanta, 150 (T) five types of, 229 (T)
Ārambhasiddhi, 5, 21, 49, 8, 12, 14, months for the rising of "A", 231 (T) 15, 27; p. 72, 1 (N); p. 83, 160-169
"E", 234 (T) (N); 172 (N); 179 (N); 220-222
1, 232 (T) (N); 223 (N); p. 88, 224-226 (N) "O", 235 (T) Ardhamāgadhi, 97 (N); 107 (N)
“U”, 233 (T) Arhatcüdāmaņisärasaţika, 43, 31; 49, of the birth, 230 (T)
33; 50, 7; p. 82, 160-169 (N); p. 83, of the constellation of conception, 160-169 (N); p. 84, 160-169 (N); p. 230 (T)
84, 160-169 (N) of the zodiacal sign, 236 (T)
Arthasāstra, p. 70, 1 (N) Aitareya Āranyaka, 27, 10, 13, 21, 23, Āryä, 25, 27
32, 34; 57, 2; 70, 4, 5 (in), 7 (in); Asādha, 234 (T) 71, 1, 1 (fp)
Asia, 62, 22 Aitareya Brāhmaṇa, 71, 9
Aśleşā, 70, 16 Album hern, 70, 2 (fn)
Asoka, Girnār edict of, 25, 11-12 Alexander, the Great, 60, 22; 65, 9 | Assajaya, 235 (T) Altindisches Zauberritual, 70, 2 (fn) Astānganimitta, p. 71, 1 (N) Amānta, 8, 17, 21; 235 (N)
| Astrologers, 66, 28
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