Book Title: Risht Samucchaya
Author(s): Durgadevacharya, A S Gopani
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
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Sumaticandra, 1, 10
Upagiti, also called Gatha, 26, 7 Sun, 62, 16: 70, 17
Upansitibhavaprapañcākathā, 5, 25;17, Sušruta Sunlita, 34, 31; 35, 3, 8; 57, 35; 41, 9, 36; 42, 12; 43, 32; 44, .); 70, 1 (fu), 9 (fn)
20; 49, 29, 31, 33; 50, 5, 7 Suitumipat, p. 71, 1 (N)
Upanishals, 1). 70, 1 (N); 107 (N); Srpur, p. 6:9), 1 (N)
136 (N) Sweat, bloody, 62, 31
Upasiuti, p, 69, I (N) Swords, waving of, 64, 13
U petit, p. 71, I (N)
Uttarajjuyana, p. 71, I (N); 172 (N) Tantric rituals, 56, Tuttriorthuthiyamusitra, 1:1 (N)
Viscaspatye, 178 (N) Teeth, black, 70, 3
Vagišvari, 183 (T) Toigno o'Neill, 60, 2 (tn)
Vägvādini, 160 (T)
Vaistha, 233 (T) Terrors, 64, 3 7x7scowicionism, 107 (N)
Varahamihira, p. 69, 1 (N)
Vörulistnihita, 35, 10, 10, 19, 22, 23, Thopina, p. il, 1 (V)
27, 28, 29, 31, 31, 36; 172 (N) The Beginnings of Christianity, 64,1 Vardhamana, 150 (T) (n)
Varspraboriha, 5, 18 The Birds of the Latin l'oets, 65,-) (fo)
Vasantarajasiikunut, 16, 19; 57, 5; p. The Labrular Eskimo, 66 I (fn)
72, 1 (N); 172 (N); 173 (V) Thumler, 66, 2:3
1 1 :46 ama, 29, 1, 5, 8, 13, 17, 20, Tide, 66, 20
21; 57, 4; 70, 10 (in) Tornado, 64, 9; 71, 7
Vrlänta Sūtras, 107 (N); 136 (N) Tradition, 159 (N); 20-23 (N); 1. Vedas, 71, 11
91,238 (N); p. 92, 2239 (N); p. 13, Vedic, p. 72, 1 (N) 243 (N)
literature, 70, 2 Digambara, 44, 1; 49, 26-27
texts, 69, 2, 3, 5-19 Svetambara, 44, 25; 49, 16-17, Perlisch Studien, p. 70, 1 (N) 27-28
Victory, 56, 37 Svetamlara and Digambara, 42, Vigātha, also called Udgiti, 26, 9 10-11
Vimala, 43 (T); 200 (T) Travels (foreign), 46, 10
Vipulä, 200 (T) Treatment, 31, 29
a variety of Gäthä, 26, 3 Tribhuwestb7, p. 7), 1 (N)
Vira, 1 (T) Trouble, 67, 16
Viveka vilāsa, p. 72, 1 (N) TURNER, 65, 6 (fr)
Vowels, 227 (T) Tyrannies, 64, 3
Vrddhicandraji (Yati), 42, 8
Vulture, 71, 5 Udgatha, 26, 25; also called Giti, 26. Vyavahtrakalpa, p. 71, 1 (N)
9, 16 Udgiti, also called Vivätha, 26, 7 War, 57, 21; 65, 4; 65, 29; 69, 28 Udinu, one of the five types of air, 9 between Aryans and Sakas, 57, 36
(T) between Germany and Russia, 57, 29 Uncommon occurrences, 60, 17
precursors of, 66, 10, 11 Unexpoctod dvorsities in England, social, 62, 21 57, 39
Water, 70, 18 Unexpected situation, 60, 27
Weal, consideration of, 106 (T) United States, western påtrt of, 65, WEBER, 17, 23; p. 69, 1 (V)
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