Book Title: Risht Samucchaya
Author(s): Durgadevacharya, A S Gopani
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
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Judea, revolt in, 60, 1 (fn)
Lagnasuddhi, p. 72, 1 (N) Jugalakishore, 16 (N); 254 (N)
Lāhva, 137 (T)-138 (T) Julius Caesar, 57, 33
Lakşmi, 137 (T)-138 (T) Jyeşthā, 7, 15, 26, 32; 70, 16
Lakşminivāsa, 6, 6, 8; ordinary chief
tain, 6; 13-14; 6, 4 (in); 7,5-6. See Kāfir, 68, 18
Lacchinivasa also. Kalajñāna, 1, 8; 5, 27, 28; 5, 4 (in);
" La Magie dans l'Inde Antique, 69, 5 37, 22, 36; 38, 2, 6, 32, 34, 37; 39,
(in); 71, 8 (fn) 4, 9, 14, 16, 17, 25; 51-52 (N) Kālajñānacakra, 37, 6
Lätyäyana S'rautasütra, 71, 1 (fn) Kālidāsa, 24, 36
Law, 41, 31 Kamală, 43 (T); 200 (T)
Libra, 236 (T) Kāśyapa Samhitā, 32, 7, 8, 12, 17, 27,
Life, as long as one sees his shadow 34, 36; 35, 3; 57, 5; 70, 10 (fn)
clearly reflected in the sky, 99 (T) Kāśyapaśilpa, 117 (N)
as many days as there are black Kausika Sūtra, 69. 1 (fn), 5 (in); 70,
dots on the joint of the hand, 159 (T) 17; 70, 2 (in), 12 (in); 71, 7 (fn);
consideration of, 106 (T) p. 71, 1 (N); 172 (N)
(DAYS) Kattiya, 231 (N)
eight days, 93 (T) Kautalya, p. 70, 1 (N)
fifteen , 33 (T) Kavidar pana, 25, 28; 26, 4
five ,, 38 (T); 81 (T); 93 (T); 118 (T) KEILHORN, 8, 19
for a fraction of a day, 65 (T) KELLER, 66, 3 (in)
four days, 51 (T); 54 (T); 81 (T); King Edward VII, the death of, 58, 2 92 (T); 104 (T) King John, 63, 1 (fn)
half a day, 93 (T) Kosāmbi, p. 70, 1 (N)
nine days, 37 (T) Ksullaka, 10, 3 (in)
one day, 37 (T); 77 (T); 82 (T); 92 Kumārapālacarita, 88 (N)
(T); 93 (T); 104 (T) Kumbhanagaranagaka, 6, 6, 7, 11, 21;
soven days, 20 (T); 21 (T); 29 (T); 6, 4 (fn)
34 (T); 38 (T); 39 (T); 60 (T); 84 identified with Kumbher, 6, 4 (fn)
(T); 125 (T); 133 (T); 139 (T); not Kumbhalagarh, 6, 19; 6, 5 (fn)
141 (T) not Kumbhalavihära, 6, 20; same as
six ,, 55 (T); 103 (T) Kumbher or Kumbheri or Kumhor ton ,, 52 (T); 75 (T) near Bharatpur, 6, 11, 12, 22; 7, 1;
three ,, 31 (T); 37 (T); 81 (T); 92 the place of composition of the Rista
(T); 93 (T); 132 (T) samuccaya, 14, 10; 260-261 (T)
twelve ,, 53 (T) Kumbher, 6, 11 ; 6, 7 (fn)
twenty , 127 (T) Kumbheri, 6, 11
two , 76 (T); 88 (T); 92 (T);93 (T); Kumblo Rāņā, 6, 20; 6, 5 (fn)
104 (T) Kumher, 6, 11
(FORTNIGHT) Kundakunda, 9, 6 (fn); 10, 14
ono fortnight, 52 (T) Küşmāņdi, 71 (T); 183 (T)
(GHATIKĀ) Kuvalayamālā, 8, 1 (fn), 3 (fn)
four ghatikas, 51 (T)
if all the Ayas are Santa, 169 (T) L' Astrologie Grecque 61, 2 (in)
if the first word is auspicious, 184 (T) Lacchiniväsa, 260-261 (T). Soe Laks if the remainder is odd, 161 (T); minivasa also.
162 (T) 21
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