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________________ 70 REVIEWS mtshams-grol ston-gyi tshogs-'khor byas-sin bsdad yod-pa'il. II.63.1-2 khyad-par sdebdag sku-khams mi-bde 'dug-pa la/. II.95.6 gzan-yan glo-bo stod-smad se-rib yan dan. II.95.11 phyi-rten-gyi logs-re-la 'dom-pa lna-lna yod-pa'il. II.96.1 sgrib-gnis byan-ba'i phyir). II.96.4 gzim-mal-du (cf. III.65.8 gzim-mal sku-'dra, S. "a life-size image for his accustomed seat".). III.30.9 nas de chan-du tshos gsuns/. III.53.15 gzigs-snan mdzad-pas/. III.65.5 rdul-tshon dan ras-bris-kyi dkyil-khor-dul. IV.1.20-2.1. snon-bsags las-grub rkyen-gyis byed-pa las//. IV.9.10-11 nas 'brab-kyin 'dug-pas. IV.34.16-17 de-nas tshedpag-med grub-pa'i rgyal-mo'i bsnen-pa la zla-ba gsum). IV.37.21 'gro-ba kun-sgrol. IV.39.14 tin-kyu dan si-min rnams-la. IV.49.8 phyag-chen. IV.50.2 rdor-sems brgyartsa'i sku-than gcig/. IV.50.7-8 rig-'dzin 'gyur-med rdo-rje'i rten-gter-'byun gi rnam-thar/. In reading Tibetan texts it is not always easy to distinguish proper names. It seems to me that kha-rag, blo-ba and grol-mtshams must not be explained as place-names. 1.12.11 blo'o kha-rag bdud-kyi yul-der "in the devil's own land, Kha-rag of Lo" (S.). Sum. translates kha-rag with aman kurumui 'to speak against, vilify' (1, p. 163). Probably kha-rag is a variant of kha-drag-pa, Skt. mukhara (Mvy. 2481). I propose to translate this phrase as follows: "In Lo, the land of the devil of slander". 1.59.8-9 blo-ba'i sna-dus dan mig-ltos "the customs and conventions of Lo" (S.). Lo is never written blo-ba in the texts which have blo-bo or blo'o. Here blo-ba = blo. The text relates that the Khang-dkar officials were the cause of urging the thought of lama Merit Intellect to religion: "In the first place if they had not caused trouble, it would have been difficult to settle down to religion on account of the na-dus and migItos of my mind." Both sna-dus and mig-ltos occur only in this place. S. explains snadus as 'prevailing conditions, customs' and mig-ltos as 'conventions' (cf. Glossary, pp. 336 and 339). Sum, translates mig-ltos with ujemji 'aspect, judgment' (II, p. 427). I do not know how to explain sna-dus. IV.22.21-22 dus-su dpyid-chos gnis-pa grol-mtshams drun-ram-pa bkra-sis "in the second spring term Doctor bKra-shis of sGrol-mtshams" (S.). IV.25.21-22 dbyar-chos gnis-pa grol-mtshams 'or-rlon dbon-po don-grub "Then in the second summer term the nephew Aim-Winner of 'Or-rlon of Grol-mtshams." (S.). In both places the text has grol-mtshams and not sgrol-mtshams: "After the second spring term". "after the second summer term" (cf. 23.14 man-ja grol-mtshams: S. "at the end of the general tea-offering"). The biographies quote a great number of texts. Identification of Tibetan texts is often difficult because they usually possess several titles, and are generally quoted only by an abridged title. Snellgrove has identified some of them in the notes to the translation and others in the index of texts and rituals. However, many have been left without identification. For instance, the biographies quote twice the "Sutra of the Briny River" (Ba-tshva-can chu-klun-gi mdo). Snellgrove does not give any information on this text. One wonders whether he considered a note superfluous. Or is the absence of information due to the fact that this text was unknown to him and his informants? In several cases the information, given by Snellgrove, is incomplete or incorrect: III.8.4. 'dul-ba lun-sde bzi "the 'Four Agamas'" (S.). (See also vol. I, p. 281, no. 205). For the 'Four Agamas of the Vinaya' see Blue Annals, II, p. 490. III.8.5-6 sa-rii-bus mdzad-pai bstan-bcos chos-kyi phun-po la sogs-pa mion-pa sde-bdun "the 'Treatise of Sariputra', the Seven Sections of the Abhidharma, the Elemental Components and so on" (S.). Sariputra's Dharmaskandha is the first of the seven Abhidharma treatises, cf. L. de La Vallee Poussin, L'Abhidharmakosa de Vasubandhu "Introduction" (Paris-Louvain, 1931), p. XXIX. III.8.6-7 mron-pa kun-las btus-pa "the 'Abhidharma Compendium"" (S.). Tibetan translation of the Abhidharmasamuccaya. III.8.8 gtam-tshogs "the 'Collection of Stories'" (S.). Gtam renders Skt. parikatha, cf. P. Cordier, Catalogue du fonds tibetain, 3e partie (Paris, 1915), pp. 422-423. III.8.11 sdom-gsum-kyi rab-tu phye-ba'i bstan-bcos. Omitted in S.'s translation.


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