Book Title: Reviews Of Different Books

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________________ 80 REVIEWS A minor detail which I may offer as comment: on p. 140, the author writes that he "could not locate any genuine instance for regressive assimilation of nt > nt in Ta". I have found a few instances in Ta. dialects, e.g. in Dindigul Ta. cariyenru realized as (s@ri:nti). In a lucid, excellent paper, L. Lisker again discusses the complicated question of stops and gemination in Tamil (144-50). Finally, there is a very interesting paper on "phonological formulae for verbal suffixes in Malayalam" by V. R. Prabodhacharan Nayar (151-59). S. M. Kamil Al-Quadri's "All About Brahui", reprinted obviously from the Pakistan Quarterly, is indeed rather curious. It contains some valuable(?) information mainly on modern Brahui literature and on the folk-poetry of the Brahui minstrels; on the other hand, it makes such very odd statements as "Brahui may or may not be descended from Dravidian" (161). It is as amusing as its title suggests. Its author quotes his own "voluminous research work on Brahui Language and Literature", which is under print in Quetta. Let us wait and see. Pity that there are so many misprints in this issue of the journal! They are almost countless. But we believe that Prof. V. I. Subramoniam, with the resoluteness which is so characteristic of him, will, with the help of the other editors and of the printers succeed in eliminating these shortcomings, as he has promised in the preface. University of Utrecht Kamil V. Zvelebil MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNICATIONS SCHMIDT, HANNS-PETER, sec vol. I, p. 180, Now Proffessor at the University of Cali fornia, Los Angeles. Publication: Brhaspati und Indra, Untersuchungen zur vedi schen Mythologie und Kulturgeschichte (Wiesbaden, 1968). ROLLAND, PIERRE, ne le 2 mai 1940 a Santec, Finistere, France. Agrege de Lettres Classiques, Paris 1966. Docteur de Troisieme Cycle en Sanskrit, Aix-en-Provence 1970. Etudes d'indologie et de linguistique indo-europeenne a Paris, Aix-enProvence, Gottingen, Tubingen et Erlangen. Missions en Inde. Bourse Alexander von Humboldt 1971-1972. Depuis 1969 chercheur au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, a Aix-en-Provence. Publications: Un rituel domestique vedique, le Varahagshyasutra, 1971. Articles dans diverses revues scientifiques, specialement le Journal Asiatique, et contributions a des volumes d'hommages.


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