indebted for the Jaina scriptures. The Jaina say that Gautama Indrabhūti had become a Kevali and imparted knowledge which was the result of his own thinking, but Sudharma, not having attained omniscience, could only pass on the teaching of others. He therefore wrote out what he had heard his master say and compiled twelve Anga, cleven Upānga, and various other works. All that tradition states about Sudharma could be tersely expressed on a tombstone. He was born in a little village called Kollāga, his father was a Brāhman called Dhamila, and his mother's name was Bhaddila. He lived for fifty years as a householder before receiving ordination from Mahāvīra, and then followed him for thirty years. After Mahāvira's death he became head of the community, and held that position for twelve ycars, till he too obtained Kcvala jñāna, whereupon the headship of the order passed to a disciple of his named Jambū Svāmi. It is said that Sudharma attained mokṣa when a hundred years old.
1 This must surely be one of the earliest references to the difference between original work and compilation !