Book Title: Religious Quest of India
Author(s): J N Farquhar, Griswold
Publisher: J N Farquhar Griswold
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Pañca Atiċāra, 205 ff. Pañča Avrata, 140 ff. Pañoa Bhāvana, 234. Panca Indriya, see Indriya. Pancakalyāņa pūjā, 253. Pañća mabávrata, see Vows, the
five Ascetic. Pañčānga, 216. Pañċa Parameśvara, 141,239,256,
262. Pañča samiti, see Samiti. Pañċatantra, 286. Pañćāsarā Pāra sanātha, 83. Pañċendriya Jīva, 97, 101, 104,
105. Pañćendriyapanum, 113. Panċindriya, see Pañcendriya. Pandu (Ācārya), 80 n. Pānduśilā, 32 n. Pāñjarāpola, 296 n. Panka Prabhā, 271. Pannavanā, 14, 73. Papa, 116 ff., 302 ff. Pāpa, the eighteen kinds of, 116 ff.,
256. Pāpāpurī, see Pāvāpurī. Paper money, 190. Pāpopadeśa, 215. Parāghāta nāmakarma, 114. Paramādhāmi, 192. Paramahamsa, 80, Paramāņu, 109. Paramešvara, 174. Parameśvara, Pañča, see Pañca
Parameśvara. Pāranum, 33. Parapākhanda paraśarnsā, 205. Parapākhanda santhana, 205. Parapravāda nindā, see Nindā. Pārasnātha Hills, 38, 56, 168. Parigraha, 119. Parigrahatyāga pratimā, 223. Parigraha viramaņa vrata, 209. Pārigrahiki āśrava, 141. Parihāravisuddha čāritra, 155. Pärināmiki, 177. Parisaha, see Parīşaha. Parīşaha, the twenty-two, 148 ff. Paritāpanikī āśrava, 141. Parithāpaņikā samiti (samai), 146,
235. Parliament of Religions, 145 n. Pārsis, 20, 247.
Pārsvanātha, 8, 31, 33, 35, 41, 48,
58, 59, 85, 241. Pārsvanātha, Mt., see Pārasnātha. Partridge, red, 52. Paryāptā, 104-6. Paryāpti nāmakarma, 115. Paryāpti, 104, 105. Paryusana, see Pajjusaņa. Pāta, 68 n. Pātāla, 112, 269. Pāšaliputra, Council of, ii, 16,
72. Pāțaņa (Anhilvāda), 83, 287, 288. Pāțha, 216. Patna, 11, 21, 281. Pastāvalis, 85. Paul, St., 294 n. Paustilācārya, 8o n. Pāvāpuri or Pāpā, 42, 43, 45. Payannā, the ten, 14. Pedhāla, 276. Penalties, 207 ff. Penance, 155, 166. Pentha, 76. Persia, 285. Personality, 297 ; see also Cha
racter, Pessimism of Jainism, 275. Peter, St., 248 n. Phaļa pūjā, 229, 251, 254. Phalgusri, 275. Philosophy, 89 ff., 122, 131. - six schools of, 90 ff. Pilgrimage, 252 ff.
Pillar' edict of Asoka, 85. Piñjarapola, see Pāñjarāpola. Pīpal tree, 265. Pisāča, 269. Place, see Ksetra. Plague, 55, 266. Planets, 105, 270. Points of Compass, auspicious,
201, 203, 216, 255. Poñjani, 146. Popata Amaracanda, 210. Popatlal K. Shāh, 116 n. Population, Jaina, 20. Posadha vrata, 217 ff., 219, 259. Posadhopavāsa pratimā, 222. Poşaha, see Posadha vrata. Possessions (of an ascetic), 145 ff. - limitation of, see Parigraha
viramana vrata.

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