Book Title: Religion and Culture of the Jains
Author(s): Jyoti Prasad Jain
Publisher: Bharatiya Gyanpith

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Page 235
________________ 213 DAILY RECITATIONS 10. O' Sarasvati (goddess of learning), pray, forgive me for the mistakes I may have committed inadvertently, in pronoucing, spelling, uttering, putting, explaining or understanding, grammatically or otherwise (anything relevant), and grant me the boon of 'knowledge absolute' (Kaivalya). 11. O' Goddess! thou art the very wishing-jewel and I pay obeisance to thee, so that I may get enlightenment, mental equanimity, purity of thought, realisation of the Self, and beatitude eternal. 12. May the Lord of Lords, whom all the hosts of saints keep in mind, all the rulers of men and angels sing hallelujahs to, and all the scriptures-Vedas, Puranas and Sastras-extol, make my heart His abode. 13. May the Lord of Lords, who is of the nature of perception, cognition and bliss, is free from all mundane imperfections, is comprehensible through concentrated contemplation, and is known as Paramatman (the Highest Self, the God), be enshrined in my heart. 14. May the Lord of Lords, who cuts asunder the net of worldly afflictions and sorrows, perceives the innermost secrets of the universe, and is the pure introvert Self capable of being visualised by the yogins, reside in my heart. 15. May the Lord of Lords, who is the expounder of the path of liberation, is beyond the reach of the miseries like those of birth and death, is the seer of the three worlds, and is bodiless and faultless, make my heart His abode. 16. May the Lord of Lords, who is free from all blemishes like attachment, aversion, etc., which hold in tight bondage all the embodied beings, who has no (need of) sense organs, is knowledge itself and eternally independent, be enshrined in my heart. 17. May the Lord of Lords, whose cognition pervades all the objects in the cosmos, who has attained liberation and per


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