Victory to the Master of the three worlds, whose vision is extremely pleasing to the age.
Victory to the Embodiment of Truth, Sentiency and Bliss, the giver of happiness.
Victory to the God of gods, the supreme spiritual status. Victory to His feet that are adored by the hundred kings of the angels. Victory to the Sun of Knowledge that shines like a jewel on the firmament, dispelling with its brilliant rays the darkness of ignorance. Victory to the Giver of the beatitude of Liberation, the expert Tamer of the very racy steeds the senses.
Victory to the Remover of deceit, anger, conceit and avarice, the Breaker to pieces of the lofty mountain of sin
Victory to the Vanquisher of foes that various afflictions and inflictions are, to the Annihilator of pride of Cupid, the redoubtable warrior. Victory to Him who is the Sun for the lotuses that the virtuous are, to open up and cheer up, the Bestower of fearless state and purifier of mankind.
Victory to the Destroyer of sins of the four states of existece, and Exhibiter of noble strength and fame excellant.
Victory to the Conqueror of the karman and Leader of the Path of Emancipation ; to Him who is served by saints and is the knower of the essential nature of Univesal Reality.
Victory to Him whose Feet are revered by all, worshipped by saints and sages, and paid homage to by humans and angels.