Know thou the Truth! He who abides by the precept of Truth, attains the deathless state. Dharma is the most auspicious of auspicious things, and it consists in ahiṁsā, samyama (self-contros) and tapa (penance). Even angels pay obeisance to one whose mind remains occupied with dharma.
All living beings in this world suffer for their own deeds; they cannot escape the good and bad consequences of the deeds committed by themselves individually.
Do not, therefore, commit sinful acts, for this life is bound to come to an end. Those who are drenched in lust, and engrossed in sensuous pleasure blindly, will, for want of selfcontrol, be deluded.
Heroes of right faith who desist from sin and exert themselves aright, and overcome wrath, fear, etc., will never hurt any living being. Desistance from sin makes one entirely happy.
Non-violence, and kindness to living beings is kindness to oneself, for thereby one's own self is saved from various kinds of sins and the consequent suffering, and is thus able to secure its own welfare.
Venerable is he who vieweth all creatures as his own self and seeth them all alike.