Book Title: Recent Publications

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________________ RECENT PUBLICATIONS Middle Iranian Studies. Proceedings of the International Symposium organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of May 1982 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 16). Leuven, Uitgeverij Peeters, 1984. XIII, 336 pp. 2.400 FB . Middle Iranian Studies contains the texts of the contributions to the International Symposium on Middle Iranian Studies held on 17-20 May 1982. In his foreword, Wojciech Skalmowski writes that the objective of the meeting was to obtain an overall view of the present state of research in the field of Middle Iranian Studies. However, new and specific subjects were not excluded. The papers are arranged under the following headings: Western Middle Iranian, Pahlavi, Khotanese, Sogdian, Middle Iranian, Secondary Sources, Manichaeism and Historical Problems. The editors, Wojciech Skalmowski and Alois van Tongerloo, have added an index of texts and linguistic indexes. A complete list of the twenty-three papers will suffice to show the importance of this volume. Western Middle Iranian: G. Lazard, Les modes de la virtualite en moyen-iranien occidental (pp. 1-13); A. Pisowicz, The Development of the Middle Persian System of Obstruents (pp. 15-24). Pahlavi: D. Weber, Pahlavi Papyri und Ostraca (Stand der Forschung) (pp. 25-43); D. N. MacKenzie, HWYTN: Stance and Existence (pp. 45-56); B. Utas, Verbal Ideograms in the Frahang i Pahlavik (pp. 57-67); W. Lentz, The Transmission of the Foreign Elements in Middle-Persian (pp. 69-81); J. L. Heny, Enclitics in Pahlavi and Early Classical Persian: A Theoretical Analysis (pp. 83-94); M. Shaki, A Few Unrecognized Middle Persian Terms and Phrases (pp. 95-102); B. H. Carlsen, The cakar Marriage Contract and the cakar Children's Status in Matiyan i hazar Datistan and Rivayat i E met i Asavahistan (pp. 103-114); B. H. Carlsen, Who is the bayaspan Daughter? (pp. 115-121); F. Vahman, A Proposal for a Middle Persian Reference Dictionary (pp. 123-126). Khotanese: R. E. Emmerick, Research on Khotanese: a Survey (1979-1982) (pp. 127-145); G. Gropp, Eine neuentdeckte Sammlung khotanesischer Handschriftenfragmente in Deutschland (pp. 147-150); P. O. Skjaerve, On the Editing of Khotanese Buddhist Texts (pp. 151-158); L. Sander, Zu dem Projekt "Palaographie khotan-sakischer Handschriften" (pp. 159-186); D. Hitch, Kharosthi Influences on the Saka Brahmi Scripts (pp. 187-202). Sogdian: N. Sims-Williams, The Sogdian "Rhythmic Law" (pp. 203-215). Middle Iranian: Secondary Sources: L. Isebaert, L'etymologie moyen-iranienne d'apres les sources laterales (pp. 217-225). Manichaeism: W. Sundermann, Die Prosa literatur der iranischen Manichaer (pp. 227-241); A. van Tongerloo, Buddhist Indian Terminology in the Manichaean Uygur and Middle Iranian Texts (pp. 243-252). Historical Problems: Ph. Gignoux, Pour une nouvelle histoire de l'Iran sasanide (pp. 253-262); R. N. Frye, Historical Problems in Middle Iranian Sources (pp. 263-268); W. Skalmowski, Wheel within Wheel: Remarks on Bundahisn (pp. 269--311). In his propos d'ouverture (pp. XI-XIII), J. Duchesne-Guillemin mentions some important recent publications in the field of Middle Iranian studies. Orientalia J. Duchesne-Guillemin emerito oblata (Acta Iranica 23, Hommages et Opera minora, Vol. IX). Diffusion E. J. Brill, Leiden. VIII, 542 pp., LXIV pl. 3.600 FB In 'L'quvre de Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin. Cinquante ans d'etudes iraniennes et orientales'


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