Book Title: Recent Publications
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RECENT PUBLICATIONS Middle Iranian Studies. Proceedings of the International Symposium organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of May 1982 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 16). Leuven, Uitgeverij Peeters, 1984. XIII, 336 pp. 2.400 FB . Middle Iranian Studies contains the texts of the contributions to the International Symposium on Middle Iranian Studies held on 17-20 May 1982. In his foreword, Wojciech Skalmowski writes that the objective of the meeting was to obtain an overall view of the present state of research in the field of Middle Iranian Studies. However, new and specific subjects were not excluded. The papers are arranged under the following headings: Western Middle Iranian, Pahlavi, Khotanese, Sogdian, Middle Iranian, Secondary Sources, Manichaeism and Historical Problems. The editors, Wojciech Skalmowski and Alois van Tongerloo, have added an index of texts and linguistic indexes. A complete list of the twenty-three papers will suffice to show the importance of this volume. Western Middle Iranian: G. Lazard, Les modes de la virtualite en moyen-iranien occidental (pp. 1-13); A. Pisowicz, The Development of the Middle Persian System of Obstruents (pp. 15-24). Pahlavi: D. Weber, Pahlavi Papyri und Ostraca (Stand der Forschung) (pp. 25-43); D. N. MacKenzie, HWYTN: Stance and Existence (pp. 45-56); B. Utas, Verbal Ideograms in the Frahang i Pahlavik (pp. 57-67); W. Lentz, The Transmission of the Foreign Elements in Middle-Persian (pp. 69-81); J. L. Heny, Enclitics in Pahlavi and Early Classical Persian: A Theoretical Analysis (pp. 83-94); M. Shaki, A Few Unrecognized Middle Persian Terms and Phrases (pp. 95-102); B. H. Carlsen, The cakar Marriage Contract and the cakar Children's Status in Matiyan i hazar Datistan and Rivayat i E met i Asavahistan (pp. 103-114); B. H. Carlsen, Who is the bayaspan Daughter? (pp. 115-121); F. Vahman, A Proposal for a Middle Persian Reference Dictionary (pp. 123-126). Khotanese: R. E. Emmerick, Research on Khotanese: a Survey (1979-1982) (pp. 127-145); G. Gropp, Eine neuentdeckte Sammlung khotanesischer Handschriftenfragmente in Deutschland (pp. 147-150); P. O. Skjaerve, On the Editing of Khotanese Buddhist Texts (pp. 151-158); L. Sander, Zu dem Projekt "Palaographie khotan-sakischer Handschriften" (pp. 159-186); D. Hitch, Kharosthi Influences on the Saka Brahmi Scripts (pp. 187-202). Sogdian: N. Sims-Williams, The Sogdian "Rhythmic Law" (pp. 203-215). Middle Iranian: Secondary Sources: L. Isebaert, L'etymologie moyen-iranienne d'apres les sources laterales (pp. 217-225). Manichaeism: W. Sundermann, Die Prosa literatur der iranischen Manichaer (pp. 227-241); A. van Tongerloo, Buddhist Indian Terminology in the Manichaean Uygur and Middle Iranian Texts (pp. 243-252). Historical Problems: Ph. Gignoux, Pour une nouvelle histoire de l'Iran sasanide (pp. 253-262); R. N. Frye, Historical Problems in Middle Iranian Sources (pp. 263-268); W. Skalmowski, Wheel within Wheel: Remarks on Bundahisn (pp. 269--311). In his propos d'ouverture (pp. XI-XIII), J. Duchesne-Guillemin mentions some important recent publications in the field of Middle Iranian studies. Orientalia J. Duchesne-Guillemin emerito oblata (Acta Iranica 23, Hommages et Opera minora, Vol. IX). Diffusion E. J. Brill, Leiden. VIII, 542 pp., LXIV pl. 3.600 FB In 'L'quvre de Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin. Cinquante ans d'etudes iraniennes et orientales' Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306 RECENT PUBLICATIONS RECENT PUBLICATIONS 307 (pp. 1-15) Jean Loicq describes the various aspects of the scholarly activities of Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin from 1933 to 1983. His publications are listed in the bibliography compiled by P. Lecoq (pp. 17-28). The contents of this volume reflect his many-sided interests. The greatest number of contributions relate to Iranian studies: V. Abaev, Avestica (pp. 29-33); J. P. Asmussen, 'Frau Welt', eine orientalisch-europaische Beziehung (pp. 35-39); H. W. Bailey, Iranian Medley (pp. 41-47); Mary Boyce, A Tomb for Cassandane (pp. 67-71); B. H. Carlsen, Amos in Judeo-Persian (pp. 73-112); G. Dumezil, L'intronisation de Darius (pp. 143-149); R. E. Emmerick, Khotanese vi ha (pp. 151-155); R. N. Frye, Religion in Fars under the Achaemenids (pp. 171-178); H. von Gall, Globus oder Diskus auf der Krone Hosrows II.? (pp. 179-190); P. Gignoux, Der Grossmagier Kirdir und seine Reise in das Jenseits (pp. 191-206); G. Gnoli, Note sullo 'XVar@nah-' (pp. 207-218); H. Humbach, Weiteres zum AhunaVairya-Gebet (pp. 225-241); K. M. Jamasp-Asa, On the heretic and immoral woman in Zoroastrianism (pp. 243-266); J. Kellen's, Yima, magicien entre les dieux et les hommes (pp. 267-281): G. Lazard, La metrique de l'Avesta recent (pp. 283-300); P. Lecoq, Un probleme de religion achemenide: Ahura Mazda ou Xvarnah? (pp. 301-326); D. N. Mackenzie, Some Pahlavi plums (pp. 383-391); J. Ries, Mithriacisme et christianisme a la lumiere des recherches anciennes et recentes (pp. 439-457); R. Schmitt, Perser und Persisches in der alten attischen Komodie (pp. 459-472); W. Skalmowski, Old Iranian motifs in the Divan of Hafiz (pp. 473478); D. Stronach, Notes on religion in Iran in the seventh and sixth centuries B.C. (pp. 479490); W. Sundermann, Ein weiteres Fragment aus Manis Gigantenbuch (pp. 491-505); A. Tafazzoli, Observations sur le soi-disant Mazdak-namag (pp. 507-510); L. vanden Berghe, L'autel du feu de Qanat-i Bagh (pp. 511-518). Indian studies are represented by Eric Pirat, L'etymologie du nom de l'aurore et la racine du verbe vedique uchati (pp. 421-432) and J.-M. Verpoorten, Le nombre grammatical et son incidence sur l'injonction rituelle. Une discussion de Sabara et Kumarila a Mimamsa-sutra III 1 13, 14, 15 (pp. 519-542). Other contributions deal with a great variety of topics (Babylonian, Biblical, Egyptian, Celtic, Tokharian, etc.). Three articles concern the Hephthalites: K. Czegledy, Zur Geschichte der Hephthaliten, pp. 213-217 (on the names of the Hephthalites); M. Grignaschi, La chute de l'empire Hephthalite dans les sources byzantines et perses et le probleme des Avar, pp. 219-248; M. Maroth, Die Xalag in den arabischen Quellen, pp. 269-272. I. Borzsak shows Central-Asian elements in the Alexander Romance: Zentralasiatische Elemente in dem Alexanderroman, pp. 85-94. I. Ecsedy examines Chinese sources on the Western Turks: Western Turks in Northern China in the Middle of the 7th Century, pp. 249- 258. J. Harmatta identifies King Kim nara/Nara in Rajatarangini I. 197 with the Hun King Kidara: Kidara and the Kidarite Huns in Kasmir, pp. 185-189. J. Wolski tries to determine the value of Greek and Latin sources on the history of Iran in the Hellenistic and Parthian periods: Les sources de l'epoque hellenistique et parthe de l'histoire d'Iran. Difficultes de leur interpretation et problemes de leur evaluation, pp. 137-145. Iranian studies are represented by the following articles: I. Gershevitch, The Colophon of the NOKONZOK Inscription, pp. 179-184; Ph. Gignoux, Titres et fonctions religieuses sasanides d'apres les sources syriaques hagiographiques, pp. 191-203; A. D. H. Bivar, Questions of Interpretation in the Inscriptions of the Sasanian Seals, pp. 205-211; Bo Utas, The Pahlavi Treatise Avdih u sahikeh i Sakistan or "Wonders and Magnificence of Sistan", pp. 259-267; I. Gershevitch, The Bactrian Fragment in Manichean Script, pp. 273-280; I. Gershevitch, Beauty as the Living Soul in Iranian Manicheism, pp. 281-288; W. Sundermann, Probleme der Interpretation manichaisch-soghdischer Briefe, pp. 289-316. Ernst Steinkellner (ed.), Rnam thar sgo gsum gyi rnam par bzag pa, legs bsad rgya mtsho'i rba rlabs by Gun than Kon mchog bsTan pa'i sgron me. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Heft 7. Wien, Arbeitskreis fur tibetische und buddhistische Studien Universitat Wien, 1981. 4, 19 pp. O.S. 35, J. Harmatta (ed.), From Hecataeus to Al-Huwarizmi. Bactrian, Pahlavi, Sogdian, Persian, Sanskrit, Syriac, Arabic, Chinese, Greek and Latin Sources for the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia (Collection of the Sources for the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia. Series I. Vol. III). Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 1984. 353 pp., 50 pl., one map. Steinkellner's edition of this short work by Gun than Kon mchog bsTan pa'i sgron me (17621823) is based upon two modern Indian editions. Titles of works quoted are underlined and quotations, especially verses, clearly marked. Moreover the text is divided into sections according to the author's analytical divisions (sa bcad). The index of works and authors gives the full title of all works quoted in the text. A translation by Ernst Steinkellner and Lobsang Dargyay is announced in the preface. Bruno Dagens, Architecture in the Ajitagama and the Rauravagama (A study of two South Indian texts). New Delhi, Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Scientific Research, 1984. viii, 175 pp., 5 tabtes. As in the two previous volumes (cf. IIJ 24, pp. 219-223), no indication is given about the compilation of this volume. Several papers seem to have been contributions to conferences (cf. p. 8: "... this paper was read on the occasion of the Third Conference on the Historical Sources for Pre-Islamic Central Asia"). Some papers were read in 1976 (cf. p. 273 and 281). others in 1980 (cf. pp. 179, 205 and 289). Others again are of such length that it seems impossible that they were read at a conference: for instance, the long and very instructive article by B. A. Litvinskiy and I. R. Pichikyan on the results of archeological excavations on the right bank of the Amu-Darya: Monuments of Art from the Sanctuary of Oxus (North Bactria). pp. 25-83. B. Staviskiy summarizes the major results of the 1937 and 1961 - 77 excavations of Kara Tepe, a Buddhist religious centre of the Kushan period on the bank of the Oxus: Kara tepe in old Termez, pp. 95--135. E. A. Davidovich examines coins of the Kusana "Heraios" found in Northern Bactria: The First Hoard of Tetradrachmas of "Heraios", pp. 147-177. Geographical problems are studied in the following articles: P. Daffina, On Kaspapyros and the so-called Shore of the Scythians'. pp. 1-8: H. W. Haussig, Die altesten Nachrichten der griechisch und lateinischen Quellen uber die Routen der Seidenstrasse nach Zentral- und Ostasien, pp. 9-24. M. Maroth, Ptolemaic Elements and Geographical Actuality in al-Huwarizmi's Description of Centr: Asia, pp. 317-352. Revised English version of Les enseignements architecturaux de l'Ajitagama et du Rauravagama (Publications de l'Institut Francais d'Indologie, No. 57, Pondichery, 1977). I. Introduction (pp. 1-12); II. Generalities (pp. 13-37); III. Architectural Elements (pp. 38-82); IV. Edifices (pp. 83-129); V. General Arrangement of Sanctuaries (pp. 130-149); VI. Conclusion (pp. 150-152); Appendix I: Emendations to the published texts (pp. 153-154); Appendix II: Unpublished chapters of the Kriyapada of the Ajitagama (p. 154); Bibliography (pp. 155-157); Index of architectural terms found in the Ajitagama and in the Rauravagama (pp. 158-175). This careful analysis of the architectural information to be found in the Ajitagama and Rauravagama will be of great help in understanding the meaning of architectural terms in Sanskrit texts. Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 RECENT PUBLICATIONS RECENT PUBLICATIONS 309 Bulletin d'etudes indiennes, No. 2 (1984), 2, 279, 40 pp. 80 FF. Swami Venkatesananda, The Concise Yoga Vasistha. With an Introduction and Bibliography by Christopher Chapple. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1984, xv, 430 pp. Paper $10.95; Cloth $34.50. pour les Etudes Le Bulletin d'etudes indiennes est une publication de l'Association Francaise pour 1 Sanskrites (22, avenue du President Wilson, 75116 Paris). Il contient les textes ou les resumes de communications faites pendant l'annee 1983-1984 et un supplement bibliographique (pp. 1*33*). Les communications traitent d'une grande variete de sujets (Dasakumaracarita, les Vishnouites vaikhanasa, les inscriptions sanskrites du roi Pallava Mahendravarman fer les Dharmapada, un drame bouddhique en koutcheen, etc.). Il faut signaler en premier lieu l'article de Michael Witzel sur le statut du ciel nocturne dans la mythologie vedique et son importance pour les cosmologies avestique et vedique: 'Sur le chemin du ciel' (pp. 213-279). Le supplement bibliographique signale meme des publications parues en 1984. C'est le grand merite de ce bulletin de publier dans un delai si court tant de materiaux qui interessent tous les indianistes. Swami Venkatesananda's translation of extracts from the Yogavasistha is not a work of scholarship and the translation is far from rendering the Sanskrit text exactly. No references are given to the numbers of the chapters and verses of the Sanskrit text. Useful for scholars is the introduction by Christopher Chapple, the author of an unpublished doctoral dissertation: The Concept of Will (paurusa) in the Yogavasistha (pp. ix-xv). The bibliography (pp. 421-424) is more complete than previous ones by Peter Thomi (Cudala, Wichtrach, 1980, pp. 495-496, 507-509) and J. W. de Jong (IIJ 23, pp. 225-227). On p. x, note 1, Chapple attributes seven volumes to the translation by Viharila la Mitra, but on p. 421 only four (as in M. B. Emeneau, A Union List of Printed Indic Texts and Translations in American Libraries, 1935, p. 294, no. 2948). To the two articles of Satyavrat Shastri the following can be added: 'Notes on the Language of the Yogavasistha', ABORI Golden Jubilee Volume (Poona, 1968), pp. 313-323; 'Some Popular Etymologies in the Yogavasistha', Journal of the Department of Sanskrit. University of Delhi, Vol. I. No. 2 (1972), pp. ??; 'A Note on the ka(kan)-ending Words in the Yogavasistha', ABORI Diamond Jubilee Volume (Poona, 1978), pp. 969-970; The Yogavasistha - A Study in Vocabulary', Indologica Taurinensia VII (1979), pp. 361-368. For further Indian editions see: Catalogue of the India Office Library. Vol. II, Part I. Revised edition. Sanskrit Books. Section IV (S-2). London, 1957, pp. 3142-3144. S. Settar, Gunther D. Sontheimer (eds.), Memorial Stones. A Study of their Origin, Significance and Variety (I.A.H. Series: No. 2; South Asian Studies: No. XI/11). Institute of Indian Art History, Karnatak University, Dharwad, and South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 1982. Vertrieb durch Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden. George Chemparathy, L'autorite du Veda selon les Nyaya-Vaisesika (Conferences et travaux 2). Louvain-la-Neuve, Centre d'histoire des religions, 1983. 96 pp. 200 FB. Memorial stones are found all over India. The oldest are probably the chayastambha-s from Nagarjunakonda which date from the second and third centuries A.D. Numerous are also the testimonies in literature and folklore. The present volume contains the papers read and discussed in a seminar at Dharwad held jointly by the Department of History and Archaeology, Karnatak University, Dharwad, and the South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg. The 34 papers are divided into four sections: 1. Meaning, significance and origin; 2. Folk, tribal, local traditions and memorials; 3. Regional varieties and characteristics; 4. Memorials and society. A detailed index (pp. 347-393) adds to the usefulness of this volume, the first comprehensive study of memorial stones in India. The book contains a great number of excellent illustrations. Dans le premier chapitre de cette etude sur l'autorite du Veda selon l'ecole Nyaya-Vaisesika George Chemparathy explique comment le fait que Dieu est l'auteur du Veda en etablit la validite (pramanya). Le deuxieme chapitre examine les deux arguments principaux avances pour prouver la validite du Veda: 1. L'analogie du Veda avec les formules magiques et avec l'Ayurveda; 2. L'acceptation du Veda par le grand nombre d'hommes (mahajana). L'auteur montre bien l'importance qu'a eu la doctrine de la validite du Veda pour les penseurs de cette ecole, et surtout pour les Naiyayika. Bien qu'il s'agisse ici d'une etude systematique, la dimension historique n'est pas entierement passee sous silence. L'auteur nous promet une etude historique sur les differentes etapes du developpement de la doctrine de la validite du Veda dans laquelle, sans doute, il traitera plus en detail des aspects qui n'ont pu etre discutes que brievement dans ce travail. Giuseppina Scalabrino Borsani, Aspects et evolutions du systeme Vedanta au cours des siecles du moyen age (Conferences et travaux 3). Louvain-la-Neuve, Centre d'histoire des religions, 1983. 77 pp. 170 FB. Dans deux conferences l'auteur esquisse l'histoire de l'Advaita Vedanta et du Visistadvaita Vedanta a partir des Upanisad jusqu'aux auteurs post-Sankariens et post-Ramanujiens. La premiere conference s'etend assez longuement sur Sankara alors que la deuxieme ne consacre que quelques pages a Ramanuja et s'occupe surtout de la bhakti dans la periode anterieure. Le texte des conferences est suivi par quelques indications bibliographiques et d'une biographie et bibliographie de l'auteur dont le prenom a ete estropie sur la page de titre.