Anahata-Love, the Ever-Expanding Circle
be aware of the element of air which is fresh and evermoving within and around you. As you become relaxed and light, feel your awareness expanding into the whole universe. When you connect with the life around you through the heart, your love will flow both in reverence toward those who have realized their perfection more fully than you have and in benevolent service to your fellow beings who are in need on the path of life.
This fourth center of meditation is called anāhata, which, in Sanskrit, means "that which is ever-new; that which is constantly resounding without being struck; that which is self-sustaining.” As the heart beats continuously, renewing and sustaining the physical body, so too does real love sustain and refresh us spontaneously without outside stimulus. It is ever-flowing:
The symbol for this center is a perfect circle, a zero point, a beautiful dot of light. You may picture this circle as a lovely, transparent, blue color-sky blue. Now, slowly enlarge this small, blue dot of light until it fully embraces you, the people around you, the whole family of man, and, finally, all life in the universe. This ever-expanding circle is the inner touch of the heart called love.
Next, link the mantra sohum to the breath; inhale so and exhale hum. Connecting this mantra to the physical breath will help you to be in tune with the spiritual breath of love. So literally means "That" and hum means “I am.” What is meant by “That"? It is our other, higher Self—it is that which is beautiful, that which is perfect, that pure Self within. Whatever you admire as beautiful and perfect in someone else exists in you also; otherwise, you would not be able to perceive it. Experiencing this truth, you become
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