An Integrated Meditation on the Seven Energy Centers
consciousness of Self. As long as your gaze or your attention is downward, you will not be able to perceive this Higher Self, this divinity within.
As you move through the various stages of consciousness, you will first experience a new steadiness. You will no longer Auctuate between happiness and depression, between “can I” or “can't I," between “shall I” or “shan't I." You will feel sure and steady.
Next, you will be able to withdraw from the attraction of sensual desires. This does not mean you withdraw from the world; but you will be able to determine when and how to use your senses and when to pull back. You will be like the turtle, which knows how to withdraw in the face of a threat in order to protect itself. You will no longer be the slave of physical desires.
Gradually, you will enjoy a new inner tranquility. Imagine the icy surface of a lake in winter. It has no ripples. No sudden wind can disturb its calm surface. One can skate across the lake, free of the thought of drowning. Similarly, your equanimity will not be upset by the wind and waves of changing moods and circumstances.
Now you come to the state of inner radiation. At this point of awareness, your inner world is now as vivid to you as the outer world has previously appeared to be.
Finally, you reach the height of consciousness which is beyond all the previous levels of consciousness. This is the supreme moment of consummation with one's Self.
How do you incorporate this meditation on all seven centers into your daily meditation routine? If you are in the country for the weekend or on vacation, simply begin
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