mouthful, food, 233, 1 (=stanza ufa), to become wholly bad, IV, 20).
hostile to, 59, 3. * Totata, ta sort of spice (pw eine t, anus, 2, 9; 53, 10.
best. Verbindung von vier Stoffen), AT fou, dear to the gods, as 81, 14.
title of a king, and, by pun, stupid चन्द्रमती, n. pr., prakrtism for चन्द्र- | (Hemacandra, Parisistaparvan II, aat, 148, 4.
374, and pw s.v. raifta), 104, 2. with 4, caus., + deceive, dupe, 80,
धा with आ; वचनम, approve, 165, 2 22. (The Tantrākhyāyika has T
(or confused with 31UT?); - ofa, evidently in the same sense,
97, assume (confused with 31in tale IV, ii.)
ett?), 284, 12. to hea, soiled by foot-steps, |
140, 24 (pw Afefta besudelt Tya, wrong form occurring in Jain BÂLAR. 153, 5).
works for 759, 227, 20. fefiftant, 21, 4, and tferrat, 20, 20, T with fa (this reading, only with A sort of cucumber.
a blunder: vinastāḥ, also in Hamb. yait, fire-place, 288, 8,
MSS.), p. p.,=itafqatsi (atalana, t a (pw GAUT.), cloth, 75, 23.
erasi) gaat,+ destroyed her
chastity, sinned (carnally), 287, 23. taffaqTETT, see ATT.
affia, one who says there is not', *He, shrub, bush, 170, 10,
+a Jain (according to a gloss in MS. tå, prākřtism for an, 39, 23 (? see bh), 55, 17. T); 150, 17; 235, 2.
*निस्रावक (IISS. निश्रावक), the scum with for g with sra, descend, of boiled rice, 260, 24. prākřtism (cp. e. g. Jacobi in his , five or six, 76, 10. Preface to Hemacandra's Parisista toztat, a species of cucumber (pw parvan, p. 9), 93, 12; 134, 11.
*uztait and a few), 100, 28. fufa (ofinfat) for fra, 271, 23. qua, viaticum, 81, 3. दाति, gift, offering, in षण्मासान्तपि
az with FA, S = PA. 91CTIUT (most MSS. TRIT),
tufrat, shelter (r. TT, formed like 199, 22 (pw only aicifa).
fret; cp. 73re T), 235, 5. tet, frog, MSS., 222, 13; 223, 14..
' परिवर्तकम् for परिवर्तम् (Whitney, Perhaps this form belongs to the
$ 995 b), turning round, 68, 2. author, as u and a are confounded in some other cases (alma, 3777;
*oftere, refuge (reading of the original cp. gue), not only in our text, but
Pancatantra प्रतिश्रय), 66, 5. also in other MSS. of North-Western of belonging to one's party, tan
ally ? 232, 10. try with oft (ex conj., MSS. afce-l gangfuauit, see tegraa.
Indiin other MSS. of our text, but
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