Book Title: On Term Antahsamjna
Author(s): A Wezler
Publisher: A Wezler

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________________ 120 ABORI: R. G. Bhandarkar 150th Birth Anniversary Volume of paraphrasing Vācaspati :38 tām ca nidrākhyām vrttim avabudhyamānaḥ puru şah su şu ptasthāno 'ntahprajña iti śrutibhir ucyata itz.39 Nāgesa has, according to one edition, 40 puruso 'ntahsamjna ucyate, 41 but, according to another," puruṣaḥ susu ptasthāno 'ntahprajna ity ucyate śrutibhiḥ; and Bala Rāmodāsina remarks, 3 apart from recording, for the Tattvavaisāradi, a variant reading antahprajñaḥ instead of antaḥsamjnah, that the srautah pāthah is suşuptasthāno 'ntaḥprajñaḥ. The term antaḥsamjña does indeed remind one of the very similar expression antahprajna, attested to first in the Māndukyopanisad ;44 however, it is used there in the context of a description of dream-sleep (svapna )45 - whereas the contrary bahihprajña 46 refers to the state of waking (jāgarita ) and there the ātman " when in deep sleep " ( su şuptasthāna) is given quite different qualifications also.47 Everything is put aright, as it were, by Nārāyanatīrtha by stating in his Yogasiddhāntacandrikā: tāni (i. e. vrtlim ) eva tatra jānānaḥ puruṣaḥ svapna ivānt iḥprajño 'pi drgdrśyabhedābhimānābhāvāt suşuptisthāna ekābhūta ity ucyate śrutibhiḥ.48 Yet, this doesn't help much to solve the problem posed by the Vaiśāradī, and as there is no critical edition of the latter text I don't see any chance for the time being that it could be solved independently. Now, this is certainly an interesting theory of (deep sleep, but evidently also a very special one, as it is framed almost exclusively with the help of peculiar tenets of Samkhya-Yoga : To be in deep sleep means to be in a state where the functions of the citta are confined to having just tamas, “ darkness", as object. 38. Viz, in his Yogavärttika on YS 1. 10; cf. e. g. the edition and translation by T. S. Rukmani, Vol. I, Delhi 1981, p. 80. 39. Rukmani (o. c., p. 81) takes the fruti passage - on which she, however, adds tha remark « not traced” to mean: "He who stays in deep sleep knows 47 truth”,which reminds me of the Garman saying "Den Seinen gibt's der Herr im Schlaf" ("fortune favours fools "). 40. Viz Yogagūtram (Kasbi SS 83), Benares 1930, p. 14. 41. This is also what Pt. Baladewa Miśra says in his Yogapradipikā (Kasbi 88 85, Benares 1931, p. 6). 42. Viz, The Yogasatrag of Patañjali ... (Bombay S and PS 46), Poona 1917, p. 229, 43. Viz. in bis edition of the Yogadarśana .... Benares 1911, p. 33, fo. 3. 4t. Viz. 4 and 7. For later references cf. G. A. Jacob, A Concordance of the Principal Upanishads and the Bhagavadgitā, repr, DelhiVaranasi Patna 1963, 4. v. 45. Note that Vyomagiva (Vyomavati, ChSS 61, Benares 1930, p. 549 f.) gives two definitions of dream, but that according to both it is a particular mental perception. 46. Cf. 3: jägaritasthano bahihprajñaḥ ... sthūlabhug vaisvanarah prathamah padaḥ. 47. Viz. 5 : ... susupt asthána ekibhutaḥ prajñānaghana eva ... 48. Cf. Yogadarśana ... ed. by Pt. Ratna Gopala Bhatta, (ChSS 35), Benares 1911, p. 11.


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