Book Title: Notes On Second Chapter Of Madhyanta Vibhaga Tika
Author(s): J W De Jong
Publisher: J W De Jong

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________________ NOTES ON THE SECOND CHAPTER OF THE MADHYANTAVIBHĀGATĪKĀ by J. W. DE JONG Canberra In 1928 Sylvain Lévi obtained in Kathmandu a copy of an incomplete manuscript of Sthiramati's Madhyāntavibhāgatikā, a commentary on Vasubandhu's Madhyāntavibhāgabhāşya which explains the kārikā-8 written by Maitreya. Sylvain Lévi entrusted the edition of the text to Yamaguchi Susumu who first edited the Sanskrit text of the first two chapters in several issues of the Otani Gakuho in the years 1930–1932.1 In 1934 Yamaguchi published an edition of the complete text in which the missing parts were restored with the help of the Tibetan translation. In 1930 Tucci announced an edition with a complete restoration into Sanskrit from the Tibetan of all missing passages, by himself and Vidhusekhara Bhattācārya. The first and only chapter of this edition appeared in 1932. Yamaguchi published a complete Japanese translation of the Madhyāntavibhāgatīkā in 1935.5 The first chapter was rendered into English simultaneously by Th. Stcherbatsky and D. L. Friedmann. 1 Vol. XI (1930), pp. 576–602; Vol. XII (1931), pp. 24-67; 307-335; 719– 775; Vol. XIII (1932), pp. 59–99. Cf. L. de La Vallée Poussin, Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques, I (1932), pp. 400-403 (on p. 400 correct Shukyokenkyu to Otani Gakuho). : Sthiramati, Madhyāntavibhāgaţikā. Exposition systématique du Yogācāravijñaptivāda. Tome I. Texte. Nagoya, Hajinkaku, 1934. Reprinted by the Suzuki Research Foundation, Tokyo in 1966. 3 'Animadversiones Indicae', JASB, 26 (1930), pp. 195–196. • Madhyāntavibhāgasūtrabhāşyaţikā of Sthiramati, being a subcommentary on Vasubandhu's Bhāşya on the Madhyāntavibhāgasūtra of Maitreyanātha. Part I, 1932 (Calcutta, Oriental Series, no. 24). Cf. Obermiller's review, IHQ, IX (1933), pp. 1019-1030. 5 Anne ashariya zo Chūbenfunbetsuron shakusho. Nagoya, Hajinkaku, 1935. Reprinted by The Suzuki Research Foundation, Tokyo in 1966. • Th. Stcherbatsky, Madhyāntavibhanga. Discourse on Discrimination between Middle and Extremes ascribed to Maitreya and commented by Vasubandhu and Sthiramati. Moscow-Leningrad, 1936 (Bibliotheca Buddhica, XXX). Cf. L. de La Vallée Poussin, Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques, V (1937),


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