Book Title: Note On Concept Adrsta As Used In Vaisesika Sutra
Author(s): A Wezler
Publisher: A Wezler

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Page 13
________________ . Aruna Bharati cannot simply take for granted that this development was a conscious one. It is likewise possible that we have to do here with a phenomenon of terminological interference that become possible because of the lack of vigilance when the term adista-dharma and adharma-was taken over by Vai esikas and incorporated into the text of the VS. It should be noted that apart from VS 5.2.19, i.e., a sutra that for other reasons, too, seems to be of later origin", the use of ades!a-dharma and adharma-is confined to the second ahnika of adhyaya VI. While in the VS itself no attempt is made to reconcile the disparate usages of the word, the indigenous commentators did feel the need for an explanation; for to them the internal consistence and hence also the terminological unity of the mula text was a matter of course. That in reality the whole of adhyaya VI of the VS was inserted only later is not something they could have thought of or would have admitted. However, it is precisely this what I hope to show in a study still under preparation.70


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