Book Title: Non Violence Author(s): Dada Bhagwan Publisher: Dada Bhagwan Foundation View full book textPage 8
________________ Ahimsa (Non-Violence) 61. Protecting Life Forms From Fear The Highest Charity 67 62. That is the egoism of Saving Lives 63. Two Types Of Egos 64. Exclusively For Those Who Revere Non-Violence 65. The Science Behind Protecting And Killing 66. Death Occurs Only At Its Designated Time 67. Make A Firm Resolution Never To Kill 68. Violent Intent: Very Prevalent In India 69. Intent Is Independent; Result is not 70. Save Yourself First From Intent-Violence 71. Defining Intent Violence 72. Kashaya: The Highest Violence Against The Self 73. Destruction Of The Self Every Moment 74. Ahimsa Increases Intellect 75. Greater Violence: Fighting Or Kashaya? 76. Abuse Of Intellect: 'Hard' Adverse Meditation (Raudra Dhyana) 77. Simply This Much Will Make You Non-Violent 78. Beware! There Is Violence In Sex 79. Violence beyond the mind! 80. The Power Of The Gnani's Ahimsa 81. There is No Violence Where there is Ahimsa 82. Beyond Violence And Non-violence 83. The Gnani: The Non-Violent One In The Ocean Of Violence 84. The Keval Gnani (The Fully Enlightened Being) Manifests Where There Is Absolute Non-Violence 85. The Science Behind The Ultimate Ahimsa 86. Suspicion Perpetuates Mistakes 87. Suffering, Non-suffering And The Self 88. Can Mud Taint Light? 89. The Self-realized One Is Absolutely Non-Violent 103 12 Progress To Peak Of Religions : Non-Violence Question: Can you please elaborate on the subject of Ahimsa (non-violence) in one's progress of religion and spirituality? Dadashri : Ahimsa itself is religion and Ahimsa is spiritual progress. The definition of Ahimsa is: to maintain the awareness to not hurt any living being, even in the slightest degree, through your mind, speech and actions. When this principle remains firm in your conviction and awareness, then spiritual progress will occur. Question: How do you benefit in life with the mantra *Ahimsa Parmodharma' (Ahimsa, the highest religion)? Dadashri : Every morning before leaving home, you should recite the inner intent, 'I do not want to hurt any living being, even in the slightest degree, through my thoughts, speech and conduct'. Repeat this five times. Having done this, if you do end up hurting someone anyway, then you must take note of it and repent for the mistake. Questioner : How is it possible, in this day and age, to live a life without hurting any living being? Dadashri : All you have do is to have and protect yourPage Navigation
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