us and we are not able to maintain our inner equanimity.
warmest of blood and a tremendous capacity to understand and it is all because they are pure vegetarians.
Dadashri : It is very difficult to cross the ocean of this worldly life and that is why I give you this Akram Vignan (the shortcut path to Self-Realization).
Who Is At Fault - Butcher Or The Meat-Eater?
Questioner : What happens to a butcher who takes this Gnan but continues his work as a butcher and wants to continue doing so?
Humans are not the only consumers of fruit; even the cows, donkeys and buffaloes eat fruit. These animals will not touch meat even if they were starving and so they are indeed purer vegetarians than man. There is no need for people to boast about being pure vegetarians. People cannot compare themselves to these animals when at times they succumb to eating eggs, while these animals would not even touch eggs. One should not take pride in being a pure vegetarian nor should one criticize those who are not.
Eggs: Vegetarian or Non-vegetarian?
Questioner : Some people even argue that there are two types of eggs. Eggs with life and eggs without life, so can we eat the latter?
Dadashri : But what is wrong with the occupation of a butcher? What fault is it of his? If you were to ask a butcher why he chose such a profession, he would say that his forefathers had the same business, which is why he is doing it too. He will tell you that he is doing it for his livelihood and to provide for his family. If you asked him whether he enjoys his work, he would tell you that he does not. More than the butcher, the person who eats the meat is at fault. As far as the poor butcher is concerned, that is his occupation. If he were to come to me, I would give him Gnan. And there is nothing wrong if he takes Gnan. The Lord has no objections to this.
Pigeons - Pure Vegetarians People keep pigeon-houses in India, but why are there no crow-houses, parrot-houses or houses for sparrows? It is because only pigeons are pure vegetarians; they will not touch anything that is non-vegetarian, including decayed grains. A decaying grain will have subtle five-sensed life form within. People worry about what the pigeons will eat in the rainy season and that is why they keep pigeonholes to feed them grains. The pigeons are completely non-violent. The pigeons do not cross this boundary whereas man has done so. The pigeons have the
Dadashri : Yes they argue that there are eggs, which do not contain life, and therefore technically it is non-violence to consume them. I tell them that it is impossible to eat anything that is non-living. One cannot eat anything that does not contain life. If eggs did not contain life, they would be considered inanimate and therefore inedible. One can only eat living things and moreover, only those living things which are not spoilt. Even vegetables will rot and become inedible a few days after being picked. One can only eat living things. There is no truth in the statement that an egg has no life in it. It is a wonder that people have created such a concept. Anything that is non-living cannot be eaten.
Questioner : But these 'vegetarian eggs' do not develop further into a chick.