No single living entity can take the life of another. Despite this the Lord tells us to abandon our violent ways and practice Ahimsa. What He really means for us is to do is abandon the ego of killing; nothing else, for it is truly false ego. In reality nothing ever dies so why then do you claim to kill? You incur a tremendous liability because of your ego and that ego will lead you into an abyss of endless suffering.
Let the life form die at the hands of its own nimit (the entity instrumental in the death of that life form). It is going to die anyway so why must you unnecessarily have the ego of killing? It is to put a stop to this kind of ego that The Lord has encouraged Ahimsa. The Lord gave Ahimsa to people so that they would stop exercising the ego of killing.
Questioner : Is this not too much knowledge for the average person to comprehend?
Dadashri : Yes it is a lot, which is why it has not been divulged. On the contrary, The Lord emphasizes that everyone should save lives if not they would die for sure.
The Science Behind Protecting And Killing
living being, because this intent is one of the evidences. It is when the evidence of intent comes together with all the other evidences that an event materializes. So intent is one of the many evidences. People however, take on the responsibility for all the other evidences by claiming with ego that the event occurred entirely because of them.
Death Occurs Only At Its Designated Time
I am disclosing a very subtle fact here that no living entity can ever be killed unless the time of its death is correct. For example, if a man has seven lambs and he has to sell two of them, only the two for whom the time of death is near, will be sold. Why is it that only those two are chosen, when he is equally fond of them all? The lambs too will merrily go along with the butcher. It is because their time of death has arrived. At the slaughterhouse when the lambs are painted for identification, they feel happy because they think they are being decorated for a festival. This is the way of this world. It is worth understanding all this.
Therefore, no one dies without his or her appointed time of death. But if you have intent to kill, you are actually committing violence against your own self. A life form will only die when the time for its death is right and when all the circumstances come together to produce the actual event. So many evidences that are not visible to the eye come together and only then will that life cease to be. A person may feel responsible if he accidentally kills an insect, but how can he be held liable when he did not have the intention to kill in the first place? He will insist that he killed the insect because he stepped on it, and I would then ask him to whom does the foot that crushed the insect belong to? It does not belong to the Soul, his Real Self and therefore he is not responsible. Even if the foot becomes
The killing, protecting and saving of lives is relevant only to the relative world and not to reality. In reality no one living being can ever kill another life form. No man can independently kill of his own volition. Killing only occurs when all the scientific circumstantial evidences come together. None of these evidences are under anyone's control. No human being is independently capable of protecting another life form either. Only if the scientific circumstantial evidences are present, can lives be saved. People are being egoistic about saving lives. The Lord also says that one must eliminate any inner intent to want to hurt or kill another