The pulse certainly becomes thin in hoarseness or cracking voice, it becomes steady, slow, hard, developed, and mild in loss of appetite; it becomes missing in the case of vomiting as it is known by the best physicians; the pulse always becomes of the movement of a water leech, etc. in the disease of thirst, the position of the pulse is always like that of lightning in the case of fainting. (V. 42).
उन्मादे The pulse in Insanity :
उन्मादे वक्रतापन्ना नाड़ी भवति सर्वदा ।
ararstèt to eadar gear Karfa: qar 11 V.43 11 The pulse always becomes crooked in insanity (i. e. it is beating with intense speed like a pigeon by turning and turning). It always beats thin and fast in the case of Vatasraya (derangement of bodily humour-vata) or rheumatism. (V. 43)
- वातारक्ते प्रामवाते च
The pulse in acute gout and torpor of the bowels with flatulence and intumescence :
वातरक्ते च मन्दा स्याद् वक्रता कठिना मृदुः । starà feqet arct Hargrafa fafraag 11 V.4441
The pulse becomes slow, crooked, hard, and mild in acute gout (vatarakta). The pulse becomes steady in torpor of the bowels with flatulence and intumescence (Amavata) it is certain. (V. 44)
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