Book Title: Mimansa Chapter Of Bhavyas Madhyamaka Hrdaya Karika
Author(s): Shinjo Kawasaki
Publisher: Shinjo Kawasaki

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Page 14
________________ Verse No. 15: na câsti kaścit sarvajño nêdānim drśyate yatah(1) |hdi na" hgaḥ yan kun mkhyen med Igan phyir ḥdi ni ma mthon phyir sarvajñatā hi buddhasya kalpitā loka-paktaye" || thams cad mkhyen par sans rgyas lal |brtags pa hjig rten gus byahi phyir| Verse No. 16: apramāņam vaco bauddham kệtakatvät tad-anyavat(1) sans rgyas gsun yan tshad ma min byas pahi phyir na gshan bshin nol asarvajñaś ca sambuddhaḥ puruşatvāt tad-anyavat |rdsogs paņi(P35a) sans rgyas kun mkhyen min skyes bu yin phyir gshan bshin no Verse No. 17: apramānam vaco bauddham trayi-düşana-darśanāt| sans rgyas gsun ni tshad ma min||lta ba gsum po sun hbyin phyir . yad yathôktam [tjathôktam (tad ya]thā nagnâd[i] darśanam" | lji ltar gan smra de de ltar! Igcer bur rgyu baḥi Ita ba bshin| 1) N. P. ḥdi ni 2) bhaktaye? 3) D. yin, changed on the basis of N. P. 4) RS. yad yathoktam yathoktam...thā nagnādadarśanam 5) "If the logicians are claimed as the source of knowledge by introducing the idea of an omniscient being (sarvajñatva), (such an assertion should be refuted by Verse No. 15.) ... At present, there is no omniscient being. As it is not empirically perceived. Like a son of a barren woman. And a theory which advocates the omniscience of the Buddha is not right. As such a theory is taught for a purpose of winning public confidence. As it is taught with an intention: 'When people hear that the Buddha is an omniscient being, they will place their trust in us-Buddhists.'" (TJ. D277a4-7). Refutation of the Buddhist Jain idea of Sarvajña was made in a thorough-going way by Kumarila of the Mimämsä School. Controvertial discussion between him and the Buddhist logicians are recorded in Säntarakṣita's Tattvasamgraha and much later in Ratnakirti's Sarvajñasiddhi. See K. B. Pathak: "Kumärila's Verses Attacking the Jain Buddhist Notions of an Omniscient Being", ABORI, Vol. XII, Pt. II (1931, Poona), pp. 123-131; B. Frauwallner: “Kumärila's Bșhațţika," WZKSO. Vol. VI, (Wien, 1963), pp. 78-90; E. A. Solomon: "The Problem of Omniscience (Sarvajñatva)." The Adyar Library Bulletin, Vol. XXVI, Pts. 1-2, (May 1962, Madras), pp. 36-77; N. J. Shah: Akalanka's Criticism - 14 -


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