crocodiles or should dig up the Rohanparvata situated in the inferno.17
From the above it is clear that Rohankhanana was the last means of earning money. Only a man who was not able to earn money by any other means thought of Rohankhanana and get money from there. It appears that this particular means of earning money was the symbolic of labour. It meant that just as it is very difficult to bring gold from the inferno, so an unsuccessful merchant can get success by working hard again and again.
9. Other Means
Besides the above means of earning money, many others have been detailed in Kuvalamala. The two young merchants of Champ have been shown to be using the following means which have not come earlier :
9. Agriculture (Kisi karisanammi)
10. Loading of animals (Aroviya goni bhariyalla) 11. Slavery (Para gehe acchhik Samadhatta) 12. Begging (Bhikkam bhamanti)
13. Service (Dejjasu Amham Vitti)
14. Soldiery (Lagga olaggium) 15. Using of Occult Powers (Anjana-jogesu) 16. Bilapravesh (Vilammi Pavisanti) 17. Mantra Siddhi (Mantam gahiuna)
18. Exchange (Thora Kammam)
19. Wrestling (Mallattanam)
20. Mining (Khannave) Kuva. (101.20-31)
Often, even in spite of adopting these means, one could not earn money as he desired and faced
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