7. Lakshvanijya 8. Rasvanijya 9. Xantrapidana 10. Vishvanijya 11. Keshranijya 12. Nerlanchnankarama 13. Davadana Karma
- Trading in lac. – trading in liquor. --- extracting oil and cane juice. – trading in poisons. - trading in slave girls. - Castrating bullocks etc. – The commentary on the
Dharınabindu explains the term by saying that in uttarpatha (Northern India) cultivators burn the grass standing in a field, for thus alone could a new crop be grown there. The Jains could not have liked the practice for it led to destruction of
lacs of insects. --- drying up reservoirs. - The commentary tells us that
some people kept slave girls for immoral purposes. This was the practice in Golla Vaishayas.
14. Hradadishoshnana 15. Astiposhan
Local Trade
Local trade was carried by local dealers. Output of products was brought by traders to nearby town or village markets for disposal. There were two main centres of trade :
Main Market
Main markets were located on major highways of cities. The highways were well connected with cross roads. The capital cities as well as big towns had different markets specializing in different commodities. According to Tilak-manjari, shops in the main trading centre used to be built in lines.? Shops were known as Hatta. These shops remained full of various commodities of daily use, brought by local Banias from
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