Journey into Jainism
they saw him meditating, they were relieved and paid vandana to him.
A short while afterwards, Sthuulabhadra asked Bhadrabaahu to be taught further and was stunned to hear a prompt refusal. Perplexed, Sthuulabhadra inquired, " Why will you not teach me." To this his guru replied, “You are not worthy of receiving knowledge.” When Sthuulabhadra probed him further, Bhadrabaahu told Sthuulabhadra to practise self-introspection. On that Sthuulabhadra thought carefully and then remembered how he had egotistically changed his form into that of a lion to impress his sisters. He repented deeply and promised not to repeat such an act in the future.
Bhadrabaahu said solemnly, "Pride is undoubtedly a great hindrance in the acquisition of knowledge.”
Only when the whole assembly of monks gathered and implored him, "Please pass on your knowledge of the rest of the scriptures so that we may know them and pass them on in their entirety. Please forgive the lapse of Sthuulabhadra and consider the future of the Jain Order.” When requested thus, Bhadrabaahu agreed to impart the knowledge of the remaining scriptures, though without revealing their hidden meaning.
Bhadrabaahu's message was clear: One should not have pride for one's knowledge. Pride leads to destruction. After attaining knowledge, one must know how to use it with modesty.