The Value of Self-Control
Abhigraha : Self-imposed restriction in the matter of food,
etc. Acharya: Head of a Jain order Aagmas: Holy scriptures of the Jain religion; Jain
canonical texts; 32 in number Akshaya Tritiya: A Jain festival celebrated on the day the
first Tirthankar, Rishabha, did parana after
having observed a one year fast. · Alms : Food given by laypersons to monks and nuns Anaatha : Any person who is without a lord (or a
protector) Arihant : Jin; literally conqueror of inner enemies, i.e.,
passion, hatred, greed, attachment, etc. Avadhi-gyana: Extra-sensory perception or clairvoyance Avasvaapini Vidya: Science of making others fall asleep;
a type of hypnosis Brahmin : A person who is born in the uppermost of the
four castes in the Vedic society; they perform
religious and householder's rites and rituals Chakreshavari : Attending deity of the Tirthankars; since the
Tirthankars are free from attachment, it is not they that help devotee, but rather the attending
deity Chandaal: An ‘untouchable' person