cal texts were preserved in the the same formas existed at that memories of Jaima monks till their time (13). However, some alterations: present " recensions were redacted in and obtrections due to subjectivity the council of Valabhi under the and scholarship of the redactors canta presidency of Devarddhi Ganin in not be tuled out.. son t anto about 454 A.D. or 467 A. D. as . Besides, according to Digambarai the date is incorporated in Kalpa tradition, the only surviving pieces Sutra (11). This council of Valabhi of the original Dvadasanbod (twelve is also said to have met during the limbs)' were vétbally transmitted from reign of Dhruvasena (12) I, from preeptor to disciple till the present! A. D. 519 to.526. According recension of the fragmentary works? to another tradition (10), Jaina canton was redacted soon after the denilitei is said the been rédacted in the of Lohacarya, the last ofxthe, sruncouðlil of Mathuta (467 A. D.) under jnanias learned monks who were s the presidency of Skandilacarya. given verbal instruction, Who lived Besides S. K. Jain. (44) gives thc upto 683 years after the nicvana. chronologicai order of various Jaina (libration from corporeale existence councils as (i) the first in 362 B. C. of dord Mahavira (527-B.C:) (14) under the guidance of Bhadrababu o in the light of ctforegoing) and Argåstoolhadkanon Patliputra, discussion, the present recension of the is. (it) the second in 150 B. C at the Jaina carón máy in a broader sense: time of Kharwel, the sovereign king of be assigned to the5th/6th century AD. kalinga at Kumari Parvat (Virgin But the Jaina canon, as Pingree(12) mount), near Bhuvaneshwar, (iii) the also ópines, contains much that third in 16 A. D. under the guidance surely belongs to a fät oldēt perford of Arhat Bali in Mahima Nagári of thus the early 'sixth century A. D. ; the South, 'liv) the fourth in 300 Súrya Prajnaptis one of the principal AD. under the guidance of Skandi- sources of Jaina astronomy, is ako, lacarya and Nagarjunacarya in Mathura' believed to have been writton 'a fow! and Valabhi "respectively, and (v) yers before Christian era +(45). the fifth in 466 A. D. under the According to Srinivasiengati Surya : guidance of Devarddhi Ganin in Prajnapti anch: Jambudvipa Prajnapti. Valabbi.
belong to a period of about 500 B.C. Besides, it is said that the cou- and Sthananga, Uttaradhyayaná, 'Bha-, ncil of Valabhi had: edited a redac- gavati and. Anuyógadvatal) to alionat tion of Jaina canonical texts in nearly 300 B.C. (16). According to some
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