Ship A is represented in about the much hinges on this little word as same latitude, but on a planc earth, Kipling has so wells and shows how the compass needle can keep you sanity, when all about on this ship can point north without you are losing theirs..." If Aussies. any contortions whatever, since it is could as a people overcome their constantly on the same plane. natural reticence and their deference
Ship C represents an impossible to Crazy English Scientists...who have position in space which, if the North kept them down under" you, for Pole is on top of the drawing as on so very long, come out of the closet a globe, must be opcupied by any and Lift up their voice and speak up ship that is hundreds of miles from with one voice and state what they the Pole, and still the compass peedle al know to be true, they are not pointing north, fbom the level position. banging head down by their feet...
If the earth were a globe, the under the world! needle of the compass on ship B Well anyway, the doors have would point out into space, as shown, opened over there. How it will all by the dotted arro#. The black arrow end, I don't know. Early April I at ship B; shows the direction the was isterivwed by a man in Washicompass needle must point, if it dgton D.C. April 14, the interview points north from this position on a verboten was on front page of WasGlobe. Notice that the direction is hington Star, D.C.! Next, the news down through the water into the went all over. Then Australia got it, ground.
and had VPI news service come over The black; automWt shipi A, on a from L.A. to get pietusrufes both. circular plane earth, shows the natural Australia wanted them ! April 24, way, in which the compass needle Aussie time I have a live interview points, maintaining a constant leyel, on ABC Radio, Sydney, Australia, and always in the same plane as the vla telephone with Carylin Jones north magnetic center. This method (Australian Broadcasting Co.), 15 miis the only one in accord with both nutes I told ALL! A couple of hours reason and the facts.
ago I did again broadcast in AustraAUSTRALIA could very well be lia, Melbourne. This time an interview the Key or the catylist to the DES with Burt Newton, Radio AustraTINY of the human race and the lia, Melbourne. It will be May: Day Future of the World ! The answer, there, in more way than one, May ko could be my friend in this IF, so Also newspaper articles are running
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