If the earth is a globe, the series of flags in the last experiment would have had the form and shewn results as represented in the diagram (Fig. 4).
The water curvating from C to D, each flag would have been a given amount below the line, A, B. The first and second flags would have determined the direction of the line of sight from A to B, and the third flag would have been eight inches below the second; the fourth flag, thirty-two inches; the fifth six feet and the seventh, sixteen feet eight inches; but the top of the last and largest flag, being three feet higher than the smaller ones, would have been thirteen feet eight inches below the line of sight at the point B. The rotundity of the earth would necessitate the above conditions; but as they connot be found to exist, the doctrine must be pronounced as only simply a theory, having no foundation in fact, but a pure invention of miscurrected genius; splendid in its comprehensiveness and bearing upon natural phenomina, nevertheless, mathematical and logical necessities compel its demonstration as as an absolute falsehood.” The total amount of curvature for six miles would be twentyfour feet.
The experiments quoted above are only two out of a series of experiments conducted by Samuel B. Rowebothan, M.D. This consistent investigator lived for nine successive months on the banks of the canal referred to and all his observations, he states, led him to the same unvarying conclusion, namely, that THE SURFACE OF STILL WATER IS ABSOLUTELY LEVEL.
Enough Already
The December issue of FLAT EARTH NEWS will include a late experiment conducted by Marjory and I. But you know and I know, once you think about it, really there is. no need to endlessly conduct "experiments", once is enough, water is the same everywhere Before I was 12 years old I had sighted and termined that both Lake Nasworthy in San Angeleo Texas, and the Concho River were flat. This is in 1936. Later, in 43 at Lake Worth
at Ft. Worth-Dallas,att . 9:11 od 2 (1.), weil i 26.An . 10 901 9: mot) . 10.6. Anyway, Each of you KNOW right now neither Marjory, nor I, nor Dr. Rowebothan would waste our or your time telling you we'd proven earth flat hy proving, water flat, if it
m otorl' aloils. 2 were not so! In the First Place, we and ALL Zetetic Flat Earthers before us, have had one
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