The Jains through Time
from active life had begun to take root. balance between pravrutti and nivrutti needs When I started exploring, all its wondrous to be maintained. In every pravrutti - every chapters opened up to me, and in my action, there should be nivrutti - a rapture at its uniqueness, I delved into its detachment from that action; and in every depths again and again. I found to my nivrutti - withdrawal from worldly life, there surprise that in fact Jain history always should be pravrutti - actions to better other reflects the taking of action - nowhere people's lives. This is the anekantvad of could I find any trace of Jains taking a Mahavir, this is his syadvad. Jainism's "passive stance'.
followers should take up the victorious flag
of theory and practice, action and It is clear to me that the religion of the contemplation, the striving for omniscience Tirthankars was not solely concerned with as well as the selfless engagement in the here the individual's search for liberation from and now, and walk the path of religion. karmic bondage, neither are its activities aimed at finding pleasure and happiness in More than 2,600 years of glorious history the other world'. Instead, it is concerned reflect the truth that whenever there was with promoting universal welfare and movement' in the Jain tradition, whenever it experiencmg liberation or 'heaven' here on combined its spiritual dynamism with an earth. Liberation is not a special place, it is a active concern for the welfare of all, it state of inner bliss and to chase after it, in a remained pure like a swift-flowing stream. total withdrawal from all action and However, when it showed itself tardy in responsibility to the neglect of society's adapting to situations, reluctant to change needs, is a delusion. Jainism teaches us to with the times or was detached from know the art of living, and the person with concern for the world - all in the name of that knowledge will automatically attain the tradition and the narrow interpretation of greater overall objective of heaven or the law - its divine message, once rippling liberation. To live well on this earth, the out like a large clear lake, has shrunk to the
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