Jainism: The Cosmic Vision Acharyas themselves conducted a drive so as to keep the Jain gentlemen away from seven vices that is alchoholism, nonvegetarianism, gambling, hunting, theft and keeping harlots. Ultimately this has come to stay as the symbolic life style of Jains through the centuries.
The Jain Sangh has been a democratic system for the last 2600 years, where every individual member of the community is heard and attended to. This democratic functioning amongst the Jains is almost unique.
The social heritage of the Jains is equally remarkable. The inscription of Chittodgadh bears evidence to the fact that Emperor Kumarpal gave donation for Shiva temples. The temples at Sopara constructed by Vastupal refer to a mosque built by Vastupal. Jagdushah gave land to the Muslims. Vijay Vallabhasuriji Maharaj was helpful in the construction of a gurudwara. Buddhisagarji Maharaj provided inspiration for constructing hostel for Harijans.
For world peace, Ahimsa becomes an absolute necessity It must be practised throughout the world in every city, village and town. Man must be made conscious of the supreme value of his soul and the utter uselessness of destructive weapons and armaments.
The Value and Heritage of Jain Religion We should unite at this crucial juncture of world history and carry on ceaseless efforts to save humanity from extinction. It is essential that we try our best to revitalize our religious and moral principles and unite to ensure peace and harmony. Jainism preaches amity towards all beings, compassion for the miserable and detachment towards possessions.
In order to discourage violence, Bhagwan Mahavira proclaimed that the entire human race is one. THAT I At a time when communalism, hatred, violence and terrorism have become rampant in contemporary times, this preaching of Bhagwan Mahavira should be our true ideal. Indeed, we have many ideals before us, but it is time to practise them.
If a world religion of this order is made to emerge, I have no hesitation in saying that most of the tenets of Jainism will always find a lace of pride in it. The Greeks used to say, "Call no man happy, until he is dead." Whereas Jainism, on the other hand, claims : "Call every man happy who lives his life following truthfully the principles of Jainism."
The message of Jainism has even a greater relevance today. By following this path, it will be possible for us to make a meaningful use of the wonderful inventions of science and technology and make them truely blissful and create global society free from hunger and hate - at peace with itself and with its environment. Thus there will be a heaven on this earth. What more does a human being want ?
Nowadays people seem to think that religion has little importance in modern life, and that it cannot play any significant part in shaping the character of the people. To this, we could say in the words of Joseph Gear, "Those who have lived among the Jains find them very kindly people, and better men because of their religion."