Jainism: The Cosmic Vision service to teachers, elders, the sick etc. (vaiyavruttya), study; to study scriptures and other works conducive to spiritual development (svadhyaya), to prevent one's body from doing unwholesome and evil acts, to renounce all attachment to one's body and to give up all egoistic thoughts (kayotsarga), and mental concentration; to renounce all the distraction of mind, to concentrate mind on wholesome objects and to cultivate trance states (dhyana). These internal austerities are capable of destroying (dissociating) infinite Karmic particles.
10. Deep reflection on Religion (Dharma): In this worthless worldly existence, the only thing worthy of one's attention is the Religion (the Doctrine) propounded by the Lord who, having conquered attachment and aversion, attained omniscience. It is so because it saves beings from falling into low existence, puts them on the right path of salvation and ultimately emancipates them from the whirlpool of fourfold existence. One should repeatedly concentrate on Religion which is constituted of right inclination, right knowledge and right conduct.
11. Deep reflection on the nature of Universe (Loka): One should deeply reflect on the nature of Universe (loka) and Empty Space (aloka). Auspicious and inauspicious past Karmas cause us to go to heaven and hell respectively. But our ultimate goal is to reach Siddhashila (Abode of the liberated) and rest there. We should never lose sight of it. We must cultivate this type of wakefulness.
12. Rarity of right faith : Human birth, good family, healthy body with unimpaired sense-organs, hearing of the true Doctrine, etc. are very difficult to attain. And it is to be borne in mind that the succeeding one is even more difficult to attain than the immediately preceding one. Of them, a good spiritual
Essence of Jainism teacher and faith in his words are extremely difficult to attain. Infinite Tirthankaras had flourished in the beginningless past, yet, this being has remained unenlightened even to this day. It is so because for that abundant auspicious Karmas-causingauspicious-karmas-in-their-train and merit - are needed. One should strive for the cultivation of required merit or qualification.
13. Reflection on universal friendliness : In the infinite past births at one time or another, one happened to have close and loving relationship with each and every living being of the entire universe. Having remembered this love and affection, as also having forgotten wrongs done by them one should develop a feeling of friendliness towards them. Others have their souls as one has one's own. All souls are similar in nature. So one should view others, as one views one's self. One should behave with others, as one would like others to behave with one. One should conquer attachment and aversion and cultivate equanimity. One should curb passions. One should wish the well-being of all beings. One's own well-being or good is contained in the well-being or good of others. So one should cultivate a feeling of universal friendliness. One should never bear ill-will or enmity towards others.
14. A feeling of gladness : One will gradually develop those very qualities in one's self if one feels great joy on seeing good qualities and progress of those superior to oneself. The Master has declared that in accordance with the internal mental state) one may or may not attain the good result of one's good act, but one who approves and praises the good act is certainly benefitted. This is the reason why one should honour the Lord Arihanta endowed with all spiritual qualities, saints, patriots, Jain lay followers, philanthropists, donors, followers of the path