Jainism: The Cosmic Vision In Jain philosophy, Ahimsa is said to be the supreme religion and Himsa is considered to be source of all evils and of all miseries. Ahimsa is not limited to not harming the human beings, it extends to all living beings. This philosophy believes in the unity of life and regards all living beings as equal. He, who can be cruel to animals, can be cruel to human beings, too. Further, cruelty is not only an aspect of external behaviour, but it is also an inner evil tendency. He, who is cruel at heart, will behave cruelly towards animals as well as human beings. He, who is compassionate at heart, will behave compassionately towards all. Moreover, the jain religion believes in the cycle of birth and rebirth. The soul is in one Yoni (existence) today; it may be in another Yoni tomorrow. It may be a fly today and a human tomorrow. This being so, man has no right to harm other living creations. One should behave sympathetically towards all, friends as well as foes. In fact there should be no enemy. Such is the importance of Ahimsa in Jain philosophy.
तुंग न मंदराओ आगासओ विसालय नत्थि ।
जह तह जयंमि जणसु, धम्म अहिंसा सम नत्थि ।। [Nothing is higher than the Meru mountain; nothing is vaster than the sky. Similarly, there is no better religion than Ahimsa.]
It is one of the tenets of Jainism that all living beings desire life and not death. No one has the right to take away the life of any other being; to kill a living being is the greatest of all the sins. Life is dear to everyone, and we must have respect for life. Not only "Live and Let Live", but "Live and Help Others Live" should be our principle. Just as the head of a family looks after the welfare of the members of the family, a human being, who enjoys the highest place in the evolution of life, should look after the welfare of other lower orders of creations.
The Value and Heritage of Jain Religion The universe is full of living creations, big and small, and, therefore, it is impossible to exist without killing or injuring some of the smallest of the living beings. Even in the process of breathing, or drinking or eating, we almost unconsciously kill many sentient beings? Therefore, according to Jainism the minimum of killing should be our ideal. Moreover, it is more serious where killing is done intentionally or through indifference. Therefore, great care should be taken in all our daily activities to see that the minimum of violence is committed by our deeds, speech and mind.
In the universe, there are different forms, different orders of life, such as, human beings, animals, insects, trees and plants, bacteria and even still smaller lives which perhaps be seen only through the most powerful microscopes. Jainism has classified all the living beings according to their sense organs.
Jainism firmly believes that life is sacred, irrespective of caste, colour, creed or nationality and, therefore, not only physical or mental injury to life should be avoided, but all possible kindness should be shown towards all the living beings. This should be the true spirit of Ahimsa. Jainism believes that more weapons are in no way an effective answer to weapons. Lord Mahavira has emphatically declared in Acharanga Sutra that one weapon may be stronger or superior to another, but the path of Ahimsa or peace remains unsurpassed. Fire cannot be put out by fire. It is our duty to stop adding fuel to the fire. Jain scriptures say that a piece of blood-stained cloth cannot be washed with blood, we need water to do it. To achieve peace, world peace, we have to stop the race of armaments and we have to have an unshakeable faith in Samyag Darshana in the effective validity of Ahimsa. For