Does not perform any active action (inactive) Provides accommodation to soul and matter of their actions Is one and whole
Does not have consciousness Does not have any knowledge Are of infinite number
The smallest particle of matter is known Paramanu (atom). It occupies only one unit of space called Pradesha.
There are four categories of matter:
whole matter 9 Skandha
ny object, which has a mass of
Lmatter, is called Skandha. e.g. stick, stone, knife, a particle of sand
portion of matter Skandha-Desha
Non living beings - 6 substances II
he word Pudgal is made up of two
words: Pud means addition and Gal means division. In other words, what continuously changes by addition and/ or division is called the Pudgal or the matter. All the matters in the universe are called Pudgals.
esha means a part, portion, or
division. An undetached portion of Skandha is called Skandha Desha. When a part of the Skandha (Skandha Desha is separated from the whole, it also becomes another Skandha. e.g. The hand of a statue is known as a Skandha Desha but when separated from the statue is known as Skandha.
Matter is a nonliving substance. It is the only substance, which possesses a physical body consisting of mass and volume.Its qualities are as follows:
a smallest particle of matter
Possesses a physical body Has qualities, which can be perceived by our senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, & or hearing Possesses colour
he smallest undetached portion of
Skandha, which cannot be further divided, is Skandha Pradesha.