ttachment to worldly possessions
Lis known as 'Parigraha. Unlimited possessions and hoarding things beyond a person's basic needs is considered a sin. This occurs when we try to accumulate more than our needs. We should learn to live happily with what our needs are rather than accumulating more just because we like those things. This is easy to say, but rather hard to follow. We should remember that unnecessary accumulation is the root cause of all unrest and keeps our craving alive for more possessions. Therefore, we should be content and should learn to control our desires.
It means anger. Whenever we do not I get what we want, we get upset & mad, & depending upon the situation either we throw things, use harsh words or have negative thoughts. When a person is angry, he cannot distinguish between right & wrong or good & bad. To overcome this anger, we should develop tolerance. This way, we can stay calm even if things do not look quite right. If we can achieve that, there will be no place for quarrels around us & we will be able to live peacefully. One should replace anger with forbearance & tolerance.
Sources of Sins - Pap
I am alone; But I am still one. I cannot do everything; But still I can do something. I will not refuse to do The something - I can do.