Its primary function is to help in the movement of soul & matter. In a similar way water provides a medium for fish to move. It exists in the entire cosmic universe (Lokakash)
kashastikaya is made up of two
Lwords: Akasha and Astikaya. Whole space in the universe is called Akasha. In Jainism, Akasha is divided into two parts: Lokakash (Loka or cosmic space) and Alokakash (Aloka or trans cosmic space). Jiva, Pudgal, Dharmastikaya' and Adharmastikaya exist only in Lokakash. Alokakash is an empty space and does not contain any Jiva. Pudgal, Kal, Dharmastikaya, and Adharmastikava.
his word is also made up of two
words: Adharma & Astikaya. Here again, Adharma does not refer to a lack of religion, but rather it means the medium of rest. In the absence of this medium, Jivas & other things would continuously move. This medium also prevails in loka, but is absent in aloka.
Non living beings - 6 substances II
The qualities are as follows:
Its primary function is to help to rest the movement of soul & matter in a similar way. People rest in the shade of a tree. It exists in the entire cosmic universe (Lokakash)
Provides room to soul, matter, medium of motion, and medium of rest Pervades everywhere infinite) Supports everything and thus it is self supported Has no form, color, taste, smell & touch