My infinitely Graceful Supreme Master (Param Guru), Great Modern Seer, Visualizer of Universal Propagation of AHIMSA, ANEKANTA, ATMA-JNANA based UNITED JAINISM And MAHATHMA GANDHI'S HIGHEST SPIRITUAL GUIDE:
SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI (The author of Immortal song of Self Realization and Nector of JAIN PHILOSOPHY, "ATMA - SIDDHI SHASTRA".)
Who was instrumental and responsible for strengthening far-off E. Africa resident Barrister M.K.Gandhi's shaken faith in his own religion - Hinduism - and for initiating him unto the Spiritual Path of AHIMSA (Non-Violence), other MAHAVRATAS highest Jain Principles by converting him NOT to JAINISM but from a wavering M.K.Gandhi to a firm and stern MAHATHMA GANDHI-A matter of great importance, privilege and pride for Jains, Jain Principles & Jainism - the Embodiments of AHIMSA (Non-violence), ANEKANTA (All sided Integrated, Generous Insight) and ATMA-JNANA (SelfKnowledge).