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the Devāgamastora, better known as Aptamimānsă which contains many discussions on logical principles and gives a review of the Advaitavāda and other systems of philosophy. The Aptamīmāmsā is quoted by Vāca spatimiśra (about 850 A. D.). The works of Samantabhadra were commented on by Prabha candra, a pupil of A kalank a. We ha, ve the inscription on the tomb of Prabhācandra which on palæographical grounds cannot be later than 750, A. D?... On the other hand, Prabhā. .candra' quotes Baņa, Bhartrhari, Kumā rila, and the Buddhist logician Dharmakīrti, none of whom is later than about 650, or 700 A. D. We shall therefore, not be far wrong when we place Akalańka and his pupil Prabhā. candra between 650 and 750, while Samantsin bhadra must be still earlier. Prabhācandra wrote the Nyāyakumudacandrodaya and the Prameyakamalamārtanda. The later is a commentary on the Parikşāmukhasūtra' of Māņik ya Nandi, who was a contemporary of Prabhā, candra. He, too, belongs to the Digambarą sect. He is dependent on A kalan ka.
The Svetāmbara Jaina Malla vādin wrote a' commentary on Dharmottara's Nyāyabindran tīkā, called Dharmottarațippanz. Dharmottara and
i Seo Floet, Epigraphia Indiča, Vol. 4, pp. 22ff, who evón
thinks the 7th century as a more probable date of the
inscription. 2 It has been edited by Satish Chandra Vidya
bhūşaņa in Bibliotheca Indica, 1909 (N. S. No. 1709). 3 Edited by T. Stohorbatskoi, Bibliotheca Buddhioa,
Vol. XI., 1909.
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