LECTURE 15. The true monk; (how he should conduct
himself). . . . . 16. The ten conditions of perfect chastity . 17. The bad Sramana; (what a monk should avoid) 18. Sañgaya. (King S. turned monk; he preaches
that the state of a monk is preferable to that
of a king; illustrations from Gaina history). 19. The son of Mriga. (On the punishment in
the hells) . . . . . . 20. The great duty of the Nirgranthas. (A dia
logue between king Srênika and a monk on the happiness obtained by righteous
ness. The bad monk is lost). . . 21. Samudrapala, (turned monk. On the duties
of a monk) . . . . 22. Rathanêmi. (The renunciation of Arishtanêmi;
his wife Râgîmatî exhorts Rathanêmi) . 23. Kêsi and Gautama. (The followers of Pârsva
are brought over to the church of
Mahâvîra) . . . . . . 24. The Samitis (and the Guptis) . . 25. The true sacrifice. (Gayaghosha, the monk,
converts Vigayaghôsha, the Brahman) . 26. The correct behaviour (of monks during the
several parts of day and night) . . 27. The bad bullocks (compared to bad pupils
by Garga) . . . . . . 28. The road to final deliverance. (On the
fundamental principles of Gainism) . 29. The exertion in righteousness. (On the
seventy-three articles necessary for reach
ing perfection) . . . . 30. The road of penance. (On external and
internal austerities). . . . . 31. Mode of life. (A list of articles of the Gaina
faith according to the number of their sub
divisions) : : : : : : , 32. The causes of carelessness; (what excites the
passions and produces Karman) . .
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