Author's Preface
Among the religions of the world we find that Jainism is the only religion which has accorded utmost importance to the Doctrine of Ahimsa both from the theoretical and practical points of view. The principle of Ahimsā not only forms the basis of Jaina Philosophy but also serves as foundation on which the entire ethical code has been built. This code of conduct, prescribed by Jainism for its lay followers and ascetics, has been designed so as to translate the tenet of Ahirsā into actual behaviour to a maximum extent possible. In view of this unique position assigned to the observance of Ahirisa in daily life, the Jaina Religion has become synonymous with Ahirsā Religion and the Jaina Culture is termed as Ahimsā Culture. That is why for comprehending the nature and significance of Jainism, it is nesessary to have a proper understanding of Ahirsā as envisaged by Jainism. With a view to satisfying this important need, the present Monograph “The Jaina Path of Ahimsā” has been written. This Monograph discusses in detail the various aspects of Ashimā like the vow of Ahirsā, the observance of Ahimsā, the comprehensiveness of Ahimsā, the carefulness in Ahimsā, the practicability of Ahirsā, the positivity of Ahimsā, and the social significance of Ahimsā It is therefore hoped that this Monograph will help in having correct understanding of the unique position of the doctrine of Ahimsā in Jainism and will also encourage further studies in the subject.
I am really very happy to see that Padmasri, Mahila-ratna, Balbrahmcharini, Pandita Sumatibai Shah, the Founder Architect of the Educational Complex of "Shravika-Sanstha Nagar" and the Founder-President of Bhagawan Mahavir Research Centre decided to start a significant project of a new Series of Monographs on Jainology and to publish the present Monograph, viz., “The Jaina Path of Ahimsā" in this series as its first Monograph under the auspices of Bhagawan Mahavir Research Centre with which I have been very intimately associated from its very inception in 1984 in the Shravika Sanstha Nagar, Solapur. I am, therefore, extremly grateful to respected Pandita Sumatibai Shah for this fine gesture on her part. I am also thankful to Pandita Vidyullata Shah and other members of the Board of Trustees of Shravika Sanstha Nagar Trust for giving encouragement
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