Book Title: Jaina Ethics Author(s): Dayanand Bhargav Publisher: Motilal Banarasidas View full book textPage 5
________________ SCHEME OF TRANSLITERATION Vowels 3 37 E a, s, ā, ļ, i, e , i, ai, 3. u, 3 ū, 371 o, 37 au. Consonants 4,046,0 ,64 ç त् प् 5 ç $, t, P, y, ș, & th, थ् th, फ् ph, I r, s, 15' mortor for tend g, , d, d, b, I, h, gh, झ् jh, dh, ध् dh, भ् bh, v, . í, I न् म् 1 ņ, n, m, $, þ. , ABBREVIATIONS C.I. Coorg Inscriptions E.C. Epigraphia Carnatica E.I. Epigraphia Indica E.R.E. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics S.B.E. Sacred Books of the East S.B.H. Sacred Books of the Hindus S.B.J. Sacred Books of the Jainas V.S. or Vik. Sam. Vikrama Samvat S.S. Saka Samvat V.N.S. or Vir. Nir. Sam. Vira Nirvāņa Samvat Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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