Adrstamavagantavyam tasya śaktyādisādhakam // Ibid., v. 106. 37. "Mada aktivat cet pratyekaparidrste sāṁhatye tadudbhavaḥ” Sāṁkhya
Sutra 22, Chapter III. "Nanu yathā mādakatāśaktiḥ pratyekadravyāvịttirapi militadravye varttate, evam caitanyamapi syāditi cenna pratyekaparidrste sati sāṁhatye tadudbhavh sambhavet / Prakrte tu pratyekaparidrstatvar nāsti / ..... nanu samuccite caitanyadarśanena pratyekabhute sakṣmacaitanyasaktjranumeyā iti cenna anekabhūteņu anekacaitanyasaktikalpanāyāṁ gauraveņa lāghayādekasyaiva nityacitsvarūpasya kalpanaucityāt /” Samkhyapravacanabhāsya, Vijñānabhiksu, p. 18. cf. also "Bhūlagataviśesaguņānām sajätiyakāraņagunajanyalayā kārane caitanyaṁ vină dehe caitanyasambhavāt/" Ibid. Madye madašaktirna gunah madyarambhakānim piştagudamadhvādinām yat yasya karma tat karmabhirārabdham svasvakarmavirodhikarma yaducyate prabhāva iti 1 Caitanyadikam na karma // Gangadhara's Jalpakalpataru, 1867, Calcutta, Vide Positive Sciences of the Ancient
Hindus. Dr. B. N. Seal, p. 241. 38. Vāyuvat sancārāt vāyavah prasiddhāḥ / asmākaṁ nāyam niyamah
yadindriyavsttih kramenajya bhavati naikadá jātisārkaryasya asmākam adosatvāt sāmagrişamavadhāne sati anekairapindriyaiḥ ekadaikavsttyutpădane bādhakam nāsti", Pravacanabhāsya, Ch. II, sūtra 31.32, p. 88.; Manodhammasya kāmādeh, prāņaksobhatayā sámānādhikara
nyenaiva aucityāt", Ibid. 39. Samānyakaranavrttih prāņādyå vāyavah panca / Sámkhyadarśana, chap
ter II, Satra 31; Samkhyakärikā, 29. Prāņa, breath, the ordinary inspiration and expiration; apăna, downward breath, the air or vital force acting in the lower parts of the body; samana, collective breath, so nained from conducting equally the food, etc. through The body; udâna ascending breath, the vital force that causes the pulsations of the arteries in the upper portions of the body from the naval to the head, and vyāna separate breath, "by which internal division and diffusion through the body are effected" (Gaudapāda, Wilson, p. 105). This is not very intelligible, but as vyāna is connected in the SāmkhyaTativa-Kaumudi with the skin, the subtle nerve-force by which sensibility is given to the skin or outer surface of the body is probably meant. It is also connected with the circulation of the blood along the surface, the great arteries being under the action of udāna (71) (In the Armabodha “Knowledge of the soul", a Vedic poem as asigned to the great commentator Sankaracharya, the soul is said to be enwrapped in five investing sheaths or coverings" (Kosh cf. Fr. Cosse, Ir Gael Coch-al, a pod or husk). The third of these is called pränamaya, i. e. "the sheath composed of
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