Book Title: Jain Thought and Culture Author(s): G C Pandey Publisher: University of Rajasthan View full book textPage 7
________________ PREFACE Of the diverse streams which together mingle and form the broad Bhāgirathi of Indian Culture, the Jain stream is undoubtedly among the most ancient in the early post Vedic times the Nirgranthas were one of the many ascetic sects which flourished in northern India They trace their origin to a long line of ancient teachers going back to Rşabha Nothing is known about the more ancient Tirathankaras which could be relied upon as history. Nevertheless, Mahāvīra and his immediate predecessor have been accepted as historical They emphasize a world view which was clearly different form that of the Vedas and the Upanišads as far as their major emphasis is concerned In later years the Jain doctrine was further elaborated and in the early centuries of the Christian era systematic compendia were compiled The followers of the faith spread all over the country but remained a minority specially concentrated in Western India and in some places of the south It has been said that the very virtues which have enabled Jainism to continue over thousands of years have prevented its spread all over the world and that in this respect Jainism contrasts strongly with Buddhism Buddhism underwent incessent adaptations and transformations. Jainism, on the other hand, has shown a remarkable tenacity in holding on to its ancient principles even at the expense of continuing to be restricted to a relatively smaller number of people In recent years there has been a renewed interest in Jain Studies It would indeed be welcome if this renewed interest were to win for Jain Studies a place it deserves in the curricula of higher education in the country The State Government has helped the University of Rajasthan to start a Centre of Jain Studies The Department of History and Indian Culture on the occasion of 2500th Anniversary of Lord Mahāvīra has brougut out monograph which is devoted entirely to Jain thought and culture This can only be treated as a beginning I hope this humble beginning, with the help of scholars and patrons, will lead to a richer fulfilment in due course of time G C. PandePage Navigation
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