The renunciation of tirthankara Neminātha is shown on a corridor ceiling in Lunavasāhi temple, depicting marriage of Nemi and Rajimati, their returning home in a palanquin, and Neminátha's dīksā, renunciation from the worldly life. The rectangular frame of the samatala ceiling is carved with a band of kirttimukhas. Såntinātha The square flat ceiling in the corridor in Vimalavasāhi temple shows, in three concentric circles, the pancakalyanakas of tirtharikara Santinātha and his earlier birth as king Megharatha. An image of a four-armed goddess is shown in each corner.
The life-story of tirtharkara śāntinātha on a corridor ceiling is shown in the Lunavasāhi temple. The rectangular frame lifting up the samatala ceiling is carved with a band of kirttimukhas.
Life story of
thankar Stintindiha on a corridor ceiling to the Lumavaathi temple.