A pillar in the mukhamandape in the Lunavasähi temple, with figures of musicians and dancers.
A column in the navacault in the Lunavasthi temple with images of dancers.
The four gopuras of Chidambaram temple, built from 12-16th century, have the most elaborate depiction of karanas. These depictions, in turn, are believed to have served as sources for similar depiction in other temples: Vțddhagirisvara temple at Vğddhachalam, the Arunachaleśvara temple at Truvannmalai, the Sarangapani temple at Kumbakonam. It has been suggested that these karanas, and also the dancing figures carved on the frieze of the 14th century Devi shrine, demonstrate that the sculptors were familiar with the Natya Sastra, and the Silpa Sāstras, as well as the actual dance.10
Over the centuries, the Bharatanatyam, as practised today, has changed considerably from the earlier karanas depicted in the temples. However, karanas showing Odissi style depicted in the